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Posted on: 2012/09/22, 11:57 AM by: tarlongh
haha! it's been a long time since i was here....actually this website is a great site! 
since then i lost a lot of weight, now i am 176 lbs!
i love how better and more active i feel.....such a great feeling!
but i still wanna lose a lot of weight i need to lose another 40 pounds to be in my best shape!
the scale haven't change for last 3 months, im kinda frostrated....and not motivated at ALL! :(


  • tarlongh tarlongh 2012/10/10
    OH! Thank you! What a great comment it's been a long time since anybody compliments me like that! :-) I know i can loose the rest of it but with college and being away from home, it gets really hard because where my college is it doesn't have any sort of gym and it's hard to workout with 7 roomate living with you....but i don't want to let my self down by gaining the weight or even staying the same.... I have inspired a lot of my cousins and friends to loose weight since i was the heaviest among all of over weight ones they were like if tarlon can do it why can't i !!!! U good luck on your journey too! Sorry for bad English :-o
  • greenarrow13 greenarrow13 2012/09/23
    Good job on losing so much weight!!! That's a great achievement and it took a lot of determination. I can guarantee you are an inspiration to a lot of people. Those last 40 pounds are going to be tough, but I know you can do it. You can't let those last 3 months get you down. You've got to re-evaluate things and get back into it. I know you have the motivation it takes. You wouldn't have been able to lose so much weight without it. Keep at it and good luck!!!