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Posted on: 2012/02/28, 06:20 PM by: phildrena
So today...I ate fried catfish and french fries which blew my calorie intake out the water by about 150 calories and Lord knows how many fat grams and carbs...smh!  I have got to get over the fact that the people I work with are not always going to cater to what I am going through and build up the willpower to stay strong enough to eat what I brought and not always go out or order out with them..When I conquer this demon..I will be over the hump!!!

Good Grief Charlie Brown!!!


  • CRNP CRNP 2012/02/28
    Dont beat yourself up too bad, fried catfish can be VERY hard to resist. Just get back on the wagon. We all have bad days, days where we wish we'd ate differently, or worked out more (or at all!) Lord knows I have my share of them! But stay in the fight, you got this!