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Posted on: 2012/02/19, 03:51 PM by: Fyrblade
Did not feel like doing that 90m spin when I saw the layout on the board. The class started and I was warmed up in no time.. Then came the intervals.. 75 minutes of them.

After about 15m and some reminder of a nagging injury I started to think about calling it a day. I'm lucky though that I have a rational inner voice that tells me to keep going. Another minute.. Another 5 minutes.. Another set.. Just keep going because you will be glad you did.

I emptied the tank and finished the class and yes.. Very glad for that inside voice.

Now after the long drive home and some chores done, I've just finished with the weights at the gym and can now think about what to do with the rest of the day.


  • Fyrblade Fyrblade 2012/02/20
    I hope you did your eyeball stretches before reading
  • kolhy kolhy 2012/02/20
    Id like to throw this flog right out da winda. You made me tired just reading it!