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The resolve to suceed

Posted on: 2014/03/23, 06:13 AM by: SuperAlbeee
Last night when I went to bed, I was feeling so frumpy and flabby and I thought to myself "THAT'S it! i've had enough of feeling like this. You know you can do better than this. You've reached your limit and now you are going to fix it, no more if or but, just sort yourself out!"
So I jumped online looking for motivation tonight and came across this web site. Fabulous! I chose the resistance bands work out schedule because I bought resistance bands last year and never used them. Now I have the exercises to follow for my work outs. Fantastic. 

In terms of diet, last year I did the atkins diet and it was great. I hardly felt like I was missing out on anything. Effectively I detoxed my body and my skin was glowing, I shed the weight fast and I was never starving. The reason I fell off the band wagon was because I got a new housemate who brought unhealthy things into the house, including bread and pasta and my diet went out the window. I've moved house since and now looking forward to taking back some control on my diet, my lifestyle, my figure and my weight. 

I'm 33 years and fortunately I have good genes. Both parents have always looked younger than than are (even into their late 50s) and I enjoy compliments commenting that I don't look my age which is very nice BUT I do feel like if I don't look after my health, lifestyle and my weight, that my genes that I won't be able to rely on my genes because I'm just neglecting myself. 

My goal is to be a FIT, HEALTHY, MOTIVATED & HAPPY 33 year old woman who looks and feels fabulous for her age. 
I'm also single and they say that like attract like... I want a partner who is fit, active and healthy so I guess I have to be that too! 

I'm going to blog as much as I can this week as a 'receipt' of doing my work outs and eating clean and healthy. 
