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Posted on: 2013/12/09, 04:06 PM by: fsbeih
Today was my first day of the *new* rest of my life

my work out went great! I ran for 6 mintues straight on the tredmill. When i realized it was 6 mintues and i wasnt tired, it was as if all the hurt and tiredness hit me all at once and i started aching. I kept on running for a few mintues more before cooling off with a nice long speed walk

According to the schedule, it was chest and Ab day. I was fine with all the crunches and ab workouts on the mat. I did my reps and was fine, when it got to the chest excersisies on the machine, I got my butt kicked. I started feeling nasueas and walked over to the womens room to throw up. 

It was, indeed, a successful workout. I hope i can continue to stay motivated and continue working out. 

As for my diet, i already dont eat  sweets and salts (chips etc) and most of my snacks are fruits and veggies out of habit. I think i just need to maybe cut my portions. I dont eat out--to save money. So the food i eat is cooked at home but if i want that second helping, noting will stop me--even if i already feel content/full

ill check back in later this week!
