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Still treading along....get it?

Posted on: 2012/07/09, 07:20 PM by: rj57wdqszc
Hey Nikki,

I miss you. You've been doing well. You need to stop with the one cigarette. You are stronger that that. You also need to thank god for all of the support he is providing you. Be blessed not stressed. 

First you kicked ass on your exercise this morning! Good job. I am proud of you. Your legs hurt. Your back hurt. Your body hurt,....but you kept going! Keep the ipod it is great!

Second chill it with the food. I know your quitting smoking so I am not going to be too hard... but remember you cant lose weight if you keep eating back the calories you burn.

Third... wouldn't it be noce if we could eat everything we wanted and be perfect? It would but thats not reality remember not to get caught up in what should be....it doesn't help anyone least of all yourself.

Fourth...I love you...I love you ...I love you. You are amazing and I can't wait to see you again.
