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New Starts

Posted on: 2013/08/17, 09:11 AM by: Rianneable
This is my first FLog so I must apologise in advance about my 'writing ability'
Introductions first, 
Hey, Im Rianne a british art student...well soon to be art student.
Basically, in September I will be enrolling in a new college, I don't know anyone there and I'm quite excited/nervous about that. 
The main reason that I am nervous is the fact that I'm not particually confident in myself, and thats down to the fact that I'm not comfortable with how I look. Yeh yeh i know, 'What? another insecure teen...blah blah cry me a river'. note the sarcasm. 
Basically, everyone in my family other than my older brother are over weight, and if i carry on thats how I feel like I'll end up. But i just haven't had any motivation at the moment. I don't want to be over weight. I'm starting to notice a double chin, big thighs and bingo wings already. I am a horse rider so my thighs are big already due to the muscle, but i just dont have a limit on how much i actually eat. Which isn't good, and living in a family where 'bad food' is in every corner is also not good, seeing as i have pretty much no dedication.
That was until I got my letter, accepting me into college. Starting education at a new place where no one knows me is a new start. So my motivation now is to get fit, and comfortable within myself before September. So just over 3 weeks away. 
That doesnt sound that long, but if i start now, by then i should look a lot different. 
I dont want to be one of those stick skinny girls, heck im not even going to be weighing myself on this so called 'journey'. I just want to be happy with how i look and that is all that should matter.

Just remember you are beautiful whatever size, but since you're reading this you are even more amazing than you was before, because now you are taking the first step to becoming a healthier, happier you.

Thank you for reading my first FLog, i shall keep you updated.
Stay Motivated.
Peace out, Rianne :) xx
