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new beginning

Posted on: 2012/03/24, 12:03 PM by: longwood4
12 years ago I got treatment for compulsive overeating disorder. I controlled my weight with overexercising and purging and periods of starving. I had suffered from the condition for 35 years. As part of the treatment I was unable to exercise or diet. for 5 years.During this time I  got depressed, got rid of all the mirrors in my house and ballooned in weight to 20 stone. At the end of 5 years I felt life was not worth living and that I wasnt worth anything as I was fat and lazy. I gained three more stone. Over the last 12 months I have gone back to 20 stone but recent depression has led me to gain weight gain - 11 pounds. This week I have managed to lose 3lbs. 

I thought I would be happier to be free of the binge purge cycle, the overexercising and the starvtion. I am as miserable fat as I was thin. I need to find some balance in my life. I am hoping this site is going to support me. The exercise programme plans out what I am allowed to do. I have a healthy eating plan too so I guess if I can stick to both today is the first day of the rest of my life.


  • levans3 levans3 2012/03/25
    Thank you for sharing. I hope you find happiness and that even when you have bad days, you stick with this site for group support. I hope you can figure out a way to add meaning in your life. I could suggest things to you but I won't because I'm pretty sure you already know what you need to do. Take care and good luck.