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My First Work Out

Posted on: 2013/11/11, 08:51 AM by: Seireness
My first work out for this site that is. 

I found that I was surprised that I was able to do some exercises and dissapointed I couldn't do others. 
I do feel that the exercises should be more customized for my body type and needs than what it is. I'm not sure how to do that though.

The Exercises I found to be most difficult were:

1. Push Ups: on knees or otherwise I simply can't maintain the position and do it properly. At least not yet. 
2. Holding one leg: I don't know what its called sorry, but the one where you balance on one leg and hold the other leg bent behind you. I was able to sort of do it but only with some contortion. my thighs and calves are so large that my foot didn't come with in reach of my hand, I had to hold on to a wall and bend sideways until I could reach it or use the arm of the coucht to push it up next to me and hop over to the wall. Then my ankles hurt after because of the strain of trying to keep my leg up.
3. Kneeling and stretching: Again not sure of the name, but the one where you kneel and hold your hands together and then reach out in front of you. This looks so easy but again the size of my thighs and calves made it very difficult for me. I found that I had to sort of scoot my self into a semi-similar position and even then I wasn't sure it was doing what it should, and it wasn't easy to breathe. 
4.Crunches: This one I expected to be hard and it was. Mostly I felt as if I was just lifting my head off the ground. I did manage with some extreem effort to get all the way up twice but it was a struggle and hurt my back. I did feel it in my tummy when I tried to do the crunches with out getting much off the ground though. Also crunches and sit ups always hurt my tail bone.
5. The side bends were very difficult. I didn't dislike them but holding the position made me feel like I was going to hyperventalate. 

Other cons: The burn was quite intense doing the chest stretches but I want to work that area. Also when I lift my arms above my head for more than a few seconds I feel light headed and as if it is hard to breathe? My feet hurt. My thigh cramped at one point. Not sure if this is related but I have heartburn now.

The Exercises I liked the most:

1. The Superman stretch: which I was very pleased to see was not as difficult as it has been previously. I think I was doing it wrong before.
2. The Squats with cans: I was pleasantly surprised to see I could do these properly as well. I could feel my thighs and buttox tightening up in the places the picture showed they should be.
3. The calf stretches: These were not difficult to do, a little awkward perhaps but not too difficult. Yet I could feel the stretch.
4. The forearm stretches: These were not difficult but I could feel the stretch. I didn't like how easily my arms got tired trying to hold the position but I like the move.

Other Pros: I feel good after. I don't feel achy but I can feel a mild tingle in my shoulders, buttox, chest and forearms. I think I'll sleep better, since I did this right before bed time. I feel motivated and positive that I can do this daily with some tweeks to the exercises perhaps. 

Notes: I want to try to find a way to customize my work out to make it fit my needs more. I want to try exercises that can replace pushups and perhaps something to work out my abs other than crunches. The easiest time for me to work out is before bed. Or maybe in the evenings right when I get home. I think before bed is a good idea because theoretically it will jump start my body burning fat etc before I go to sleep? Not sure if that is just wishful thinking though.

Self Survival Tip #1 Breathe.
