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Memory lane

Posted on: 2012/04/20, 10:40 PM by: Tinadp
In the past few days I have really put in some thought,  I have a 20 yr reunion coming up very soon.  I looked back at my years in school:  Freshman in HS I was 50 lbs overweight.  After making the decision to change my life I started running or trying too, then I spent as much time as I could working out.  I had some great modavation from people that didn't even know it.  Thanks to my track coach and my conditioning teaching who silently taught me how to push myself.  By my senior year I was in shape and happy.

Several years later I was married and had my first child, up with the wieght again.  After several months I lost about half of what I had gaided but I was very happy with where I was.  Then 8 years later baby number two.  This time my weight was over what it was in high school.  Facing health risks and feeling over all nasty and gross, I started again to get in shape.

To my surpise playing games on the Wii Fit helped me to get to where I wanted to be.  a year later I was down 50 lbs and feeling great again.  Even after taking a 6 week break recovering from a surgery.  My doctor thought I was doing great, my heath was getting back on track, I was at a good weight and I could go out and play with the kids.

Now:  Well after a second surgery in 2 years and finding out I have IBD and several health issues I had gained about 18 unwanted lbs.  I wasn't looking bad but I wanted to look better.  So here I am.  I joined a gym.  And I have mostly been doing cardio about an hour a day 4 -5 days a week.  I have lost 10 lbs so far.  I am excited.  I am looking forward to my toning work outs. 

I wanted to say one of my goals now was to try to go for how I looked in high school; now it is I want my hair style more like it was in high school.  I have found so far now::: my feet are thinner, my fingers are thinner, and my wrists are smaller, my thighs are smaller and I NEVER thought that would happen.  My hips are not smaller but I didn't expect that to happen.  I am just so happy that I am seeing the results that I am seeing and that I see the support from friends and family on this journey.

My kids are both exercising 2 or 3 days a week plus the martial arts they are taking and my husband tries to run on days when is able to or hasn't worked out at work.

How insperational is that?


  • [Former member] 2012/04/22
    well done, awesome stuff, and its great that your family is getting invovled as well such good support. keep it up and im sure you will reach your goals in no time.