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Just starting out

Posted on: 2012/06/21, 10:28 AM by: DebBrick
I have had my gym membership since December and I went 3 times in Dec. That's it! That was all I did. Then I really took a dive in the funk. I realized ,while shaving my legs, that this is absolutely absurd! Why am I turning red in the face just reaching down my own legs?!?! I have whined to my husband about how I hate me, and he would console me. He knew as well as I, that I'm the only one that could change that.

So, Last week I decided that I'm paying for this membership every month for 2 years so I may as well utilize it! I went in that Monday and got on the elliptical and fell in love with that machine. It gave me a goal by just pushing a preset button. I knew what was expected of me, so it made me push through it! Once I had done that I walked around and looked at the other equipment and I may as well been looking into a scientific lab. I had no idea what machines I needed to use, or how to even use them. So I panic, and leave for the day.

Wednesday , I had plans on a partner to go with me. She got tied up at work so, again I had to go alone. I got on the elliptical and pranced in my comfort zone for the duration of the preset plan. After it was done, I tucked tail and left.

Thursday my friend was able to go with me, and this gave me confidence. We both got on the ellipticals and did the preset, but that day we also got on the floor! She and I walked around and started looking at the pictures on the sides of the machines. We decided to give it a go on the core machines. We didn't , however; know how long or how many times to do these things. Just pretty much got a feel for the machines.

After that day I decided that I was going to use the blasted machines and know what I'm up to! So, I joined this site and set up a workout by what I wanted to accomplish. As well as what I had access to. The excitement had built up in me to do my very best! I set the days up that I go, and I keep a journal with me that tells me the exercise to do as well as the sets and reps.

Monday, I had a NEW goal. I was to walk my 2.5 miles on my favorite machine and then tackle my my very first full workout! I'm proud to say that I accomplished my first mild stone!! Last night I did my second workout and it worked muscles that I didn't even know I had until this morning!

I refuse to get on a scale! I'm not after those numbers! I'm after the self-esteem, confidence and inches! I fear that the numbers on that scale are going to take my excitement away. So with that said, I have to get tonight’s log sheet ready and prepare for my day!

Thank you so much for having this wonderfully, informative website to help those of us that are intimidated and confused about how to love ourselves once again!
