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Journey to fitness

Posted on: 2013/01/23, 03:50 PM by: dig_len
Starting my flog today to track my achivements and failure in my journey to fitness...

Jul to Nov 2012
74kg, size 16

Lost a few cm, woke up my limbs from a looonnggg sedentary life.  Forced to walk 20 minutes in the morning and afternoon -- going to and from the train station.

5 Nov 2012
74kg, size 14-16

Took a leap and joined Genesis Fitness. 
Quick gear change when I get home, then a 5-minute walk to the gym.
Started off with 10 minutes on the stepper, then light weights with machines.  Aching body every morning!
Not bad. Felt good.

December 2012 (just before the Christmas holidays)
72kg, a loose size 14, snug fit size 12

Good four weeks.  Boosting with energy everyday, feeling happier and healthier.
Still on the stepper--now at 15 min.  I prioritize weights training than cardio excercises (why, i'm not sure! ",)
Signed up for Freetrainers.com.  Getting a bit serious!!!  With a good 4 to 6 week training plan.
Better eating habbits...Better eating choices -- both myself and my hubby and son --- brown rice, grains bread, lots of fruits, grilled meats, veggies, no coconut milk, no oily dishes.
Salad and grilled chix for lunch and dinner on most days.
Cereals and oatmeal for breakfast every day.  And occasional subway brekkie as a treat.. :-)

17 Dec 2012 until 4 Jan 2013
No weight log!!!  Size 12 seems to fit nicely :-)

Hit and miss... Went to the gym very frequently, but ate a lot of food too!  Stayed away from white rice and pasta--limited to 20% of total food intake.  Good job!
Started to jog -- 5 min jog, 2 min rest---did this 4 times...

4 Jan 2013 to 24 Jan 2013
72kg, size 12 tops and skirts bought in Dec12  are loose!!!! Yey!
New goal (hopefully) -- to join and finish the 5k  Mother's Day run.

Peak fitness in the last three months or so! 
MILESTONE (mid Jan13) : Able to jog for 30 minutes, with no rest in between! 3.2k in 30 min...
Read the book "Stop Aging, Start Training".  Very helpful, full of info.  Need to follow advice on nutrition and keep copy of guideline and reminders.
Need to get more serious on weights training.  To look for or follow advanced training plan from the book, or from Freetrainers.com.

I can see the difference!!!
