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I'm floored

Posted on: 2012/02/27, 05:37 PM by: heraldstorm
So today was my first workout with the pre-workout supplement by USP Labs, "Jack3d".  It's a bit intimidating, because the safety of the supplement is somewhat questionable.  The results are not.

I didn't really feel amped.  I didn't feel wired.  I didn't get any tingles or rushes or feel like a speed freak.  What I did get was an extra 3 reps on almost all of my exercises.  I got the kind of focus that helped me to fly through my routine.  It also helped that just about every single one of my exercise stations was available when I needed it.

100 ab exercises (lower, upper, and whatever the sides are called)
Below is my circuit training workout:
Barbell Deadlift:   5 x 90 Lbs
Seated Chest Press (machine): 15 x 105 lbs
Reverse Shoulder Flyes (machine): 10 x 85 lbs
Front Chest Flyes (machine): 15 x 105 lbs
Tricep Pushdown (cable machine): 13 x 110 lbs
Standing Bicep Curl (cable machine): 12 x 110 lbs
Front shoulder raise (cable machine): 9 x 20 lbs
Flat Bench Press (dumbells): 11 x 35 lbs
Seated Rows, close grip (cable machine): 10 x 100 lbs
Pull Ups - Machine Assisted: 9 x 140 lbs
Full Squat (smith machine): 12 x 90 lbs

I then did 30 minutes of cardio on an exercise bike.  Total calories burned: 1050

The supplement seemed to help me move more quickly from exercise to exercise.  I really did feel like I had more "in" me with the supplement, and you really have to be smart about your workout.  You feel like superman, and like you can lift forever.  However, you still have the same body, and so you really have to restrain yourself.  If not, you'll risk serious injury/heart problems.  But, it did help me take me workout to the next level, and I burned at least another 300 calories because of it.  Tomorrow and Wednesday we'll see how my muscles feel.

Oh, I also took my standard post workout protein shake to help with recovery.  All in all I feel pretty good, but I am pretty tired (understandably!)


  • [Former member] 2012/02/27
    Work sweat, diet and rest = 98% Supplements = 2% Go Herald