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I'm doing this for me

Posted on: 2012/01/24, 11:28 PM by: seniorshorty98
Being a full time student makes it rather difficult to focus on myself.  For the past three years, at the beginning of every semester, I would tell myself "This semester I am definately going to the gym." and it never seemed to happen because I would get so caught up with homework and school.  This semester, which is my last semester is going to be different.  I have found time in my busy, crazy schedule to go to the gym and do workouts in my dorm room.  I am giving myself 14 weeks (from now until the end of the semester) to lose about 15lbs before graduation.  I am tired of feeling like I am not capable of losing weight.  Today, I am ready to make a difference for myself.  It's time I focus on me.  It's time to lose weight.


  • ewestergaard ewestergaard 2012/01/25
    I understand not having enough time for working out, I am a mother of three and go to school. But I found 15 to 20 min. in the morning to pull it off. My youngest actually tries to workout with me.