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I am tired after my workout, but I really wanted to push the cardio.

Posted on: 2004/09/27, 07:23 PM by: justdbear
I did my recommended training except pushups and leg lifts, I am not very good at that yet. I substituted those two with more cardio. I did 20 minutes on the elliptical and 15 on the recumbent bike. I did the lowest setting on the elliptical and went forwards and backwards during my time. On the bike I did level 4 at 16 miles per hour. I didn't feel as much burn as I did feel out of breath. I will work tomorrow on turning it up a bit till I can feel some burn after that long on the machines. I really feel burn on the tric. pull-downs and I love them. I am really excited about trying a new training program. I had them all through college but this is new to me and needing to lose over 50 lbs of sitting on my butt running a computer and checking people in and out of a fitness center is really weighing on my mind hard (no pun intended). Here's to a new chapter in my life!


  • princesslodgey princesslodgey 2004/09/30
    Welcome to the journals. Putting your hands on something raised, like a step, or on the stairs (feet at bottom, hands 3 or 4 steps up) can help you do push ups until you build your strength.