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Good Morning

Posted on: 2012/05/01, 05:27 AM by: Aiswel
I woke up this morning(an hour later than I wanted too, I HATE SNOOZE), and it was LASHING rain outside typical Ireland. I did not let this stop me exercising though. I got out of bed threw on rain gear and went for an hour walk. This walk was uphill downhill and I climbed 130 steps. I plan to do a circuit later in the evening today as I have to go out. I've eaten a yoghurt, orange and green tea with lemon this morning and I'm having soup for Lunch. I'm also spending the week cleaning and reorganising my room.

During my walk I had awful pains in my legs and kept wanting to turn back but I kept going! So today im in a great mood and poud of myself. The first proper day of my change and its going great so far! 

Ais xo
