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Fitness Classes

Posted on: 2013/06/12, 10:49 AM by: starlette95
So Monday 6-10, I purchased a groupon for a 30 class fitness pass through MetaBody, an organization that offers several locations and several types of fitness classes from bootcamps, to zumba, to yoga! I am really excited about it. Buying things like this gives me accountability. I won't just waste a groupon or not use it. I will attend 30 fitness classes through this program before it expires on 11-16-13. I am just nervous that I will look like a fish out of water. Last time I took a zumba class, I was so lost & the instructor noticed! She had me go up to the front of the class and watch her closely....or embarrass myself in front of the whole class. I have yet to go to another one of those. But I will!! Ugh. I really have dedicational ups and downs. Sometimes, I am like, I can do this! Salads are good! Then other times I am like, ugh, lets just order chinese food, I don't feel like baking chicken! I need to explore my crockpot more. On Sunday I tried a crockpot chicken recipe and it was...ok. But I liked the idea of setting something to cook & walking away for several hours. We'll see whats on the menu for tonight. Prolly baked chicken :-|
