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First Entry

Posted on: 2012/02/22, 02:56 PM by: wi_aaron
Time for my first FLog entry. Quick background on me. I used to weigh 240. Lost a bunch of weight, now weigh 156 but I'm still not satisfied. I'm a 5'6" male, and apparently 156 means I'm still "overweight" based on most charts that I find. Not that I can really argue with that based on what I see in the mirror, but it is a little bit discouraging to think I've lost 85 pounds just to be considered overweight. So anyway, a Planet Fitness opened up in town about 5-6 months ago. I joined almost immediately, and have sort of been up and down with my weight through the holidays, 2-week business trip, my birthday, and Valentine’s Day.

My current, soon to be former, workout routine is as follows. 3 times a week is only cardio. Normally 60 minutes on the elliptical machine, burning upwards of 700 calories. Then 2-3 times a week I do 30 minutes of cardio, followed by a kinda/sorta weight lifting routine strictly with dumbbells, 3 sets of 10 at varying weights. I'll typically do 1 set of 10, ten pounds under my max weight. Then 1 set of 10, five pounds under my max weight. Then 1 set of 10 at my max weight. I would do this 3-set routine with chest fly, chest press, single arm row, shoulder press, arm curls, and triceps extension. And then I'd call it a day. I started to realize after a month or two of that, that maybe I wasn't making the best use of my ~60 minutes at the gym. I wasn't working my core at all. My legs weren’t getting any attention either. So I went searching for a different routine, and stumbled upon this website. I built a custom workout routine, which I plan to start on Monday. The idea of working one area of the body hard every day, rather than breezing through an upper body workout every other day, just seems more "right" to me. And besides, truth be told, I get bored easy. So it'll be nice to have a new routine to keep things fresh.

Friday will be my new "official" starting weight. Then we'll see what this new workout routine can do for me...
