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Days like today!!

Posted on: 2012/05/02, 10:53 AM by: Rapperja
Days like today are days I do bad!! I get VERY stressed out and all I want to do is eat unhealthy foods. Its easy because we always have food at work that is not good for me. Most days I can walk past it, but its HARD today!! It doesn't help that my co-workers don't know that I'm on a diet either so they always try to have me eat a cookie or chips that they bring. I worked out last night hoping that would help my stress level but it doesn't seem to last long, because I'm in the same place again today!! I haven't messed up yet today, but I have been tempted and need to keep up the will power to say NO!!


  • Rapperja Rapperja 2012/05/18
    Thank you!! That's great info!! I've been trying to do that!! It's coming along!!
  • Aiswel Aiswel 2012/05/02
    do breathing exercises to help with stress and think about the long term goal...okay cookies and chips taste nice but how long does it last...find something healthy that can be a treat like low fat jelly you can get pots that have 46kals i think and are sweet and who doesnt love jelly! don't get rid of the things you love replace them with something healthier that you can grow to love just as much :D