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Day 7/8

Posted on: 2014/02/12, 03:40 AM
Yesterday was a "rest" day; after suddenly doing something my abs, arms and pecs were definitely not happy. I still managed to do over an hour of powerwalking, in addition to 3 hours of running around at work (which reminds me again, I should get a pedometer for that). I tried some of the healthier options at work (pub food unfortunately isn't very exciting in the salad department), but tried some grilled John Dory with a mango/coriander/cucumber salsa, which was refreshing, but not hugely loveable.

Today, despite my prostesting muscles, I picked back up the exercise with my situps (120) and figured I'd do my pushups after my cardio (a mistake on my part). The run was day 1 for the Couch to 5 K, (5 min warm up, 8 reps of 60 second sprints, 90 second brisk walks, 5 min cool down) which truly showed me how much effort burning off a measley 200 calories is. But, I didn't stop, and ultimately I will improve and see myself heading where I want to end up fitness wise.

Tomorrow will be pushups (and hopefully an energetic bedroom romp ;P) and I'll aim to get some more cardio in on Friday to keep the 3 workouts even through the week. I'll squish it in earlier next week so I have some room to reschedule.



  • danaburgess danaburgess 2014/02/13
    Sounds like you had a pretty busy day for a 'rest' day :) Also a great day today. I am going to start the couch to 5K once the snow melts as well. Post about how you like it - maybe it will motivate me.