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Posted on: 2017/11/04, 04:03 AM by: anniedove
i think is not the best idea to stay up until late (almost 2am) but, i found myself on a motivation spell. i have been postponing this long enough, think is about time i do something with myself for real.

i can't risk getting sick, i want to be truly healthy and excercise is one of the stepping stones to get there. i know i'll get there.

beginning monday, i start this new routine and i hope to go from there.

i feel confident and motivated, hope it stays this way.

now, to continue learning. will go to sleep soon too.

at my future self; hope you're happy, promise to keep working on it.



  • goldcoastdeb goldcoastdeb 2017/11/04
    Well done anniedove. Good luck with you progress!