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Bad time right now

Posted on: 2012/06/26, 05:18 PM by: jjones119
Need some Motivation right now.  Facing an illness that has haulted nearly all exercise activity.  Depressed and not motivated
to stay active and loss the weight, despite the need.  I've been sick since 2005 but was diagnosed with Crohn's disease in 2007.  Then in the last 2 years I've gained 77 pounds and developed Osteoarthritis and now can't run at all.  Used to be an advant runner, but now can't do anything. I feel like the carpet of life, has been pulled out from underneath me. I'm depressed because I can't run and can't run because I'm depressed.  It's a  vicious cycle. I could use a kind word and motivational speech.  Thank you in advance.
