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Are you unenergised,unmotivated and down on your body?

Posted on: 2016/08/26, 12:40 PM by: aweekes34
Hi,Im a 34yr old mum of four.My last baby is 3.It wasnt overnight but i do have a figure im proud of and it was a shock for me to learn four six or twelve weeks of diet and excersise is not the amswer.The secret is learning to get out and walk!
It is a great start to building a healthy life.I still do other types of excersise but i never stay on the same thing long.Do something different as much as u can.You know an hour flying a kite or playing with your kids at the park is a great way to build stamina without fizzing out.I was 100kg at my heaviest and now i way 60,have a six back and my legs are my best result.Nomatter how low or unmotivated you feel just know its within you to look amazing.Start with the simple stuff.Dont begin daily work out and diet at once.Get a routine going and when you are able to stick to three full workouts a week then start the diet.Remember its a new way of life so start small n remember that you can and will look great
