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Day One

Posted on: 2015/03/05, 07:14 AM by: merchantbanker
I feel like by committing this to blog I  will be less inclined to accept failure and can track my progress. 
As it stands I'm officially obese. I weigh 102kg and I stand at 6ft tall. 
I'm unfit and worst of all I'm getting a serious gut and have low self esteem. 

It's time I got a grip on the situation and made the changes I want to see in my life. 
I am to blame for being unfit, I am lazy and slob like. I eat too much, and even when I watch my portions I am eating bad food
I choose laying in bed over active life, I choose video games, pizzas and beer over running, sports and outdoor activity. 
I am a hermit, I care little for social interation any more, this is relatively new and I feel bought about by low self esteem and a bad diet. 


This is my way of saying that I am commited to changing.
