Group: General Diet & Nutrition

Created: 2011/12/31, Members: 399, Messages: 16719

With such a topic so broad we truly try to cover the basics from all angles in this group. Nothing too big or too small. Nutrition is as significant if not more as exercise is to reaching your goals so learn all you can.

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Was wondering about reps/weight cardio

Posts: 1
Joined: 2007/08/11
United States
2007/08/11, 02:43 PM
I was wondering if when I am doing my reps if I should add more weight each set or use the same amount per workout.

Like for set 1 of a bench press I do 20 reps and 150 should set 2 increase weight or minimize weight or keep the same?

I was also wondering I set up a program on here and was wondering if it is ok to add some cardio to it?

Right now all it calls for is for 5 min to warm up. I was if i could add alot more cardio to that daily to increase my endurance.

I would like to do a treadmill, bike and stair climber with each workout. In doing this will this hurt me at all?
Posts: 441
Joined: 2006/10/26
United States
2007/08/12, 10:43 AM
what is your goal? building mass?..loosing weight? might help if you give some info about yourself in your profile :)