Heavy Lifting Safely

Let's take a closer look at key factors to consider when training heavy. It is evident that heavy training leads to stronger muscles which leads to muscle mass and strength gains. Bodybuilders as well as Weight Lifters perform heavy training. The key however is performing heavy lifts correctly as well as safely so that you may make the highest gains possible. Below are simple points to keep in mind when it comes to heavy lifts:

Proper Warm up and Stretching

The key is to reduce the chances of injury. Warming up your muscles will do so. It is recommended that you have a 5-15 minute cardio or full body warm up. Then this should be followed by 5-15 minutes of light stretching. These steps may take longer if it is cold, because your muscles will need more time to loosen up.

Use Basic-Compound Movements

The compound movements are the ones which work the large and main muscle groups as a whole. Examples are Dead lifts, Squats, Bench Press and Barbell Curls. These movements respond the best to heavy lifting.

Lift Safely

Whenever you perform heavy lifts with low repetitions, you will need a spot. A spot is an individual whom will make sure that you can get every possible repetition out of any given exercise possible. The benefit is that you may concentrate fully on the set without having to worry about dropping the weight or having an injury. Remember, safety first!

Rest Periods Between Sets

When you decide to lift heavy, you will need more time between sets to rest. This is the need for a longer recovery period required by your muscles. Be sure not to rest to long however, just rest long enough to catch your breath, drink some water and then get right back!

Resting between Workouts

You will require more time to recover between workouts. When training basic and heavy, training each body part once every 6-9 days is recommended. During your rest days, get plenty of rest and do not waste too many calories on other physical activities.