Group: I am overweight or obese

Created: 2012/01/01, Members: 381, Messages: 6449

Being overweight is a common trait these days and there is not enough help out there. Find out how you can shed those pounds and improve yourself from within.

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Why do we throw in the towel??

Posts: 31
Joined: 2005/08/21
United States
2005/08/22, 03:43 PM
Ok so I was looking through these post here and see post from people needed help about being over weight and then hey are gone. Most only have one or two post then nothing since June. Why do so many quit before even trying? Why is it so hard to give up 12 weeks of YOUR life to see if exercise and eating right will MAKE a difference?

I know we've all had "fat" days. Those are the days where we feel like a big old balloon. We feel like a huge blob that might just take over the house. We feel like everyone is looking at us as we stomp down the mall like an elephant. We feel like our stomach has multiplied by 3 somehow and is hanging even further over our waistline.

So...when we feel like that, why in the WORLD do we think about throwing in the towel?? Where is the logic to that? "I'm so fat that I'm going to drown my sorrows in (insert food item here) and get even FATTER. That will certainly make me feel better. To be fatter." HUH?!

Hey - I'm not pointing fingers at anyone but myself, so don't feel like you have to come along for the ride. But, if you DO feel like this sometimes, remember this -- it isn't going to help our frustration!!!! In fact, it will just make things worse!!! Not only will we lose motivation, but we actually release a hormone called Cortisol that triggers our body to hold onto the fat we have!!!!! (not to mention any additional thousands of calories that we might consume in chocolate on that day!)

When we feel like this, we need to look at where we started. Even if it was just a week ago, that's one week more than before that you have dedicated to your health and well-being. We'll get there by baby steps. Each day is one more day that you have kept the commitment to YOU.

If you are looking for inspiration, I have a question for you: WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO FIND IT?

We have all heard the saying, "There is no 'I' in 'TEAM'." The same can be said for this support message board. No single person can provide inspiration for the entire group. We all must do our part to lift each other up. This could mean posting a success or a failure. It could mean simply responding to a motivational quote.

Or.... it could mean doing some "research" for someone.

When was the last time you read look up a person to see their progress on here? Or when was the last time you read Y OUR goals and reminded yourself of those goals.

We all need to do several things to succeed:

A) Take it ONE day at a time. Dont look at it like I have to lose 80lbs or 50lbs or whatever. Just say I want to lose 10 lbs. Then when you lose that 10lbs then set ANOTHER goal. Babysteps towards the ULITIMATE goal of yours and you will get there!!

B) HOLD yourself accountable. Log in here and be honest! Enter exaclty what you ate that day into your tracker. Post here that you had an "oops" today or post a successful day here. If you fall down, post it so we can pick you back up and get you back on track. Dont let one slip up turn into 2 years of them.

C)STOP THINKING SO NEGATIVE! We all have this in us. We all put ourselves down at some put and we all have those times where someone says something nice about us and we say the words "NO" to them. NO MORE THINKIKNG NEGATIVE. NO more using I will "try" or I am "fat" or I "Cant". Start using I CAN do this, I WILL DO THIS, I am working towards a BETTER ME!!!

D)Set your goals. Set short term goals and long term goals. Mark off a goal when you reach it and set another. I have set a daily goal for myself like drinking 128 ounces of water. I have set a weekly goal for myself of not missing a workout and I have set a monthly goal for weight loss ect. REMIND yourself of these goals often. Also set a reward progrm when you reach a big monthly goal. Have something you will look forward to working towards.

E) ASK QUESTIONS!! Seek out the advise of people here on this board! There are so many great people that are full of advise here and knowledge!!

REMEMBER WE CAN ALL DO THIS!! The journey might be a struggle at times, but WE WILL SUCCEED!!!


I will either be RIPPED or DEAD in 12 weeks with the help of FT!!!
Posts: 1,227
Joined: 2005/03/20
United States
2005/08/22, 05:33 PM
Good question...I've even been one of these people before that started workout out, but never fixed my diet and never saw success and within a few weeks gave up. It's not uncommon and most people don't make the dedication that is necessary to change their lives. The idea of getting in shape and getting "fit" is simple and the steps to do it are fairly basic, but they are necessary, without all the pieces to the puzzle then it won't happen. First come the decision, then the dedication, then the knowledge. By the time some people get here they made the decision, but they never quite made the dedication then they started learning the knowledge and decide it's too much or they just don't have the time to make food and would justify McD's instead and never see results.

Me personally, I made up my mind in March and now 5 months later I'm in the best shape I've been in over 8 years. I'm doing things I haven't done since my high school days and despite the fact that I'm happily married, I notice ladies check me out from time to time now (I would never act, but it's a nice boost when it happens).
Posts: 8,201
Joined: 2003/01/07
United States
2005/08/22, 06:18 PM
Nice post!

I think many people throw in the towel because they want instant results, we are an instant gratification society - even microwave food takes too long!

Some people are more comfortable in their miserable existence than they are with the huge prospect of a lifestyle change.. eventually something has to happen - a health crisis, a big awakening due to a friend/family member's comment, rock bottom... we seek out relief from pain naturally, but so many have to become extremely uncomfortable before realizing they need to change.

Another thing I see often is an all-or-none mentality. People figure that if they binge once, the diet part will never work, they get discourage3d and throw in the towel. We have to realize that this is a journey and get up each morning vowing to make it a better day than the previous one. Erase the guilt from yesterday and focus on what you did correctly, what went well, and how you can overcome whatever situation created the binge.

Hmm, I am writing a mini-novel, apparently.

One of my favorite quotes is 'If you fall down seven times, get up eight.'

It is okay to fall, as long as you keep getting up.


Nurture your mind with great thoughts, for you will never go any higher than you think.

Benjamin Disraeli

There is no use whatever trying to help people who do not help themselves. You cannot push anyone up a ladder unless he be willing to climb himself.
Andrew Carnegie
Posts: 166
Joined: 2005/06/12
United States
2005/08/22, 10:00 PM

i think a lot of women in the forum look up to you. i know i do. your before and after pictures are an inspiration to me. not to mention the great information you share on here with us.

i know a lot about you because i have read your posts and your journal on here. anyone on here who "falls down" should indeed go read some of what you wrote on here over the years. if you can do it, anyone can. you are a real person...not one of these digitally retouched before and after pictures, you didn't take a "miracle get skinny pill" you worked your ass off to be where you are...and in only 9 months!!!

thanks asimmer...


There are no endings, only new beginnings...Flavia
Posts: 3,755
Joined: 2002/09/24
United States
2005/08/23, 01:35 AM
a fabulous post!

Bettia.... The secret of getting ahead is getting started.

Posts: 329
Joined: 2003/10/23
United States
2005/09/01, 11:05 AM
I've lost probably 500 pounds in my life. And I've never weighed more than I do now (280).

Why do we throw in the towel? I can only answer for myself, and it ain't pretty. I disgust me. Every single day. Just when I think I've made progress I slide back to the beginning. I grow tired of starting over. I haven't been here in a couple of months now. I don't want to stop by here and not have changed. If it were possible to dislike myself more, I would. I'm a fat freak who has no real excuse for the way he looks or no excuse for why he doesn't look better. I am an object at rest. I can't get started. No matter how many times I try, or how much motivation I get from here, it doesn't seem to work. Some days I just wish I'd stay in bed and have the world leave me alone. I'm having a lot of those right now.

So, there it is. Just my two cents. That's why.
Posts: 8,201
Joined: 2003/01/07
United States
2005/09/01, 11:24 AM
Wanglais - are you in counseling? Seriously, you need to take care of the whole self-loathing thing before you can become healthier.

I am still here if you need it.:)


Nurture your mind with great thoughts, for you will never go any higher than you think.

Benjamin Disraeli

There is no use whatever trying to help people who do not help themselves. You cannot push anyone up a ladder unless he be willing to climb himself.
Andrew Carnegie
Posts: 3
Joined: 2005/04/11
United States
2005/09/21, 11:25 AM
Well I have been working out and I AM really discouraged. Been too busy to post but still working out. Not discouraged enough to quit. I have been working out regularly since March and the results are sad. Going to Curves 3-4x a week doing 30 min of circuit training and I have just begun doing a one hour treadmill walk 3x a week. Since mid May I have lost a paltry 8 lbs, 2' in the bust, 1' in the waist, 6'in the abdomen, 5'in the thighs and gained 2'in the hips.

What I am trying to do is, after the kids are off to school, go to the gym(before eating) and walk my 1 hour on the traeadmill, then off to Curves. Then home for a protien shake.I try to eat a steak or have a sandwich for lunch and meat and veggies for dinner. I work until 12:30 am and because I tend to be anemic I usually try to have a bowl of Total(pre-measured to 1 serving) with milk @10:00.

asimmer has also been an insperation to me I look like her before pictures size wise!

I seem to get to the 8-10 lb weight loss mark and my progress stalls. Most of the 8 lbs was lost in the first two months and the last two nothing! Does anyone have any suggestions on how to get this going?

I really want to do this the healthy way without drugs or surgery.

Posts: 8,201
Joined: 2003/01/07
United States
2005/11/18, 08:11 AM
jsashford - i think you need to understand what happens when you don't eat in the morning before exercise. your body senses this as starvation and will actually hold onto weight instead of releasing it. The food you do eventually eat is more likely to be stored as fat.

Start your day with the protein shake, or with a bowl of regular oats and a plate of scrambled egg/egg whites.

Add in more fresh vegetables - a side salad at lunch, some snacks of veggies and hummus - increasing your fiber will help you lose weight and you won't feel deprived having more snacks.

eat every three hours, this helps rev up your metabolism and starts the difficult process of convincing your body that there is an abundance of food in the environment, so there is no need to store food as fat.

I think curves is okay for beginners, but you may get decent results just using the at home plan from freetrainers. Also, I have a few clients who have injured their joints using the curves equipment/plan.

You need to realize that it is awesome that you have lost a total of 14 inches! 8 lbs may not seem like a lot, but the inches should really show and make you feel like you have accomplished something!

Keep up the exercise, switch up your eating - think eating for health, not dieting. I think, barring any metabolic dosoreders/thyroid issues, you should be able to do this without surgery or drugs, it just takes time. Your body is not easy to trust environmental food availability - think of it in terms of survival. You need to be consistent in eating small meals every three hours and eventually your body will believe that it isn't just a fluke and it will start dropping the excess weight.

Food is neither friend nor foe, just fuel. You pick the quality of the fuel.

Posts: 22
Joined: 2006/05/07
United States
2006/05/09, 02:31 PM
Okay, I see that this is a fairly old post, but it is just a very, very good one! There really is no way to lose if we just stick with what we have begun. The alternative for me will be that during next years, more little pounds will sneak up on me, and before I know it, I will be my Mom......
This is a very motivating thought....


\\"Take your cat and leave my sweater\\" Keith Urban