Group: I am overweight or obese

Created: 2012/01/01, Members: 381, Messages: 6449

Being overweight is a common trait these days and there is not enough help out there. Find out how you can shed those pounds and improve yourself from within.

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Posts: 2
Joined: 2007/11/01
United States
2007/11/01, 04:11 PM
Hello this is my first post. I want some information on snacking. I crave salty snacks. I sit all day in front of a computer and tend to munch on crackers, chips, peanuts etc. but work is not my main problem it is my night time snacking. I tend to not wind down until my husband goes to bed. I want to snack on crackers with cheese or peanut butter,chips, etc. I also have the bad habit of overeating because I always tell my self I will not do it again after tonight so I will eat a lot to get it out of my system. On occasions I will induce vomiting to get rid of this large amount, and it is happening more and more freaquently. I am 53 and I know if I dont get a handle on this I will be miserable the rest of my life.
Posts: 1,823
Joined: 2005/01/18
2007/11/02, 08:56 AM
the first thing that comes to my mind is maybe your not eating enough during the day and am therefore hungry at night. Try replacing your snacking with a small healthy meal 1-2hrs before you go to bed. Cottage cheese with berries, whole wheat toast with PB, yogurt. This way it will be a controlled amount, you'll still be getting your snack and it's good to get some protien before bed anyway. Wind down with a nice cup of tea before bed (non-cafeinated of course. As for your induced vomiting...that's gotta stop, and if you can't, you should seek councelling for your eating disorder.

Even if you are on the right track, you will get run over if you just sit there.
The harder you fall, the higher you bounce
Posts: 601
Joined: 2005/07/26
United States
2007/11/12, 01:57 PM
I have a boiled egg with some salt and pepper as my night time snack. I try to avoid salt, but I too crave salty snacks at night. I have found that one egg provides enough protien and nutrients to satisfy even the nastiest of cravings. ;)