Group: General Diet & Nutrition

Created: 2011/12/31, Members: 399, Messages: 16719

With such a topic so broad we truly try to cover the basics from all angles in this group. Nothing too big or too small. Nutrition is as significant if not more as exercise is to reaching your goals so learn all you can.

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OK rather weird

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2006/08/09, 09:25 AM
Question for you all. I am a new member, the question is about my wife. She has decided to start wearing, well girdles and corsets. Now the girdles I can see but these corsets are really tight and I am afraid she is doing harm. She is not really overweight, and said that she just likes the look it question is this: is she going to hurt her self by wearing them? I have heard all kinds of things.....
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2006/08/09, 10:47 AM
I can't see that it would hurt her...unless ofcourse she's wearing it so tight she can't breathe...there are women(and men)out there that wear pants so tight they can't sit down,they seem OK,just uncomfortable.If you were my husband I would say your concern is sweet...but I'm a grown women and this is a rather personal issue.
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2006/08/09, 11:36 AM
Thanks KC. I know it is a personal thing. She just is very headstrong and has to experience things to learn. She has olny been wearing them for a few months. Says they help her lose weight
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2006/08/09, 12:13 PM
I believe perception is reality...if it makes her feel good about herself then she'll be happier in general.I would bet her being headstrong is part of her appeal,when she decides it's not comfortable to her any more she'll ditch it and move onto something else...but still your concern is sweet!:)
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2006/08/09, 12:18 PM
I just wanted to see if anyone knew of possible problems. I mean she has worn simliar things but she spent a good amount of money (her play money) on a corset that was built for her so it is a lot stronger than the others. I guess i will just wait and see if she gets tired of it LOL. Looks to me like it hurts a lot.
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2006/08/09, 12:35 PM
Saw a show a while ago about this thing... they claim no one has been able to prove any ill effects of a corset...

I am training for birthdays.

Be here. Live. Love. Hope. Now. Faith. Believe. You. - Keith Urban

2006/08/09, 01:35 PM
If anything...they are probably good for her...provide back support...similar to a lifting belt...
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2006/08/09, 01:48 PM
Thanks all. It makes me feel a lot better. I have to say it was a surprise to she her wear it! I thought she had gotten hurt and had a back brace on!
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2006/08/11, 12:20 PM
This probably isn't the best place to ask about it.

Wikipedia says:
A badly-fitting corset can chafe, impede digestion, damage ribs, and pinch nerves.
Atrophy of abdominal muscles, therefore, high risk of lumbar problems.

I would guess she'd be alright if she doesn't tighten it too tightly and doesn't wear it all the time.
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2006/08/11, 12:44 PM
Menace, do you wear a lifting belt during submaximal sets? How about throughout the day during your waking hours? No?

Then why would you recommend the same? It's essentially compensating for her lower back and abdominals. Yes it'll keep her upright, but it will cause atrophy and muscle amnesia.

Iron and chalk.
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2006/08/11, 12:58 PM
Man, so now I am more worried.
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2006/08/11, 02:04 PM
I was afraid of that....she'll be fine...if she starts turning purple have a little chat with her.You're getting you advice from men...that I'm hoping don't wear a corset!:love:
2006/08/11, 02:13 PM
You got a point wrestler. With limited use it shouldnt harm her....but if she uses it every waking hour then as you say it can become a problem.
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2006/08/11, 02:16 PM
You should also note that Wikipedia says a BAD fitting corset COULD cause these problems.Bob...didn't you say your wife had this made specificaly for her??
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2006/08/11, 02:37 PM
Yes it was custome fitted meaning the measured her and made it to that exact measurements. She wears it about 6 hours or so a day rightnow.
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2006/08/11, 02:41 PM
She's fine....and I would guess that even though your intentions here are noble...if she knew you were on here asking about her...she'd smack you in the head with her custom fit corset!:big_smile:
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2006/08/11, 02:49 PM
LOl yeah I guess so. I for one can not see how she stands it. I mean it looks so painful LOL
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2006/08/11, 02:49 PM
LOl yeah I guess so. I for one can not see how she stands it. I mean it looks so painful LOL
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2006/08/14, 08:40 AM
Well thanks for all the help! I think that this is something that she will get bored with LOL. hard to do a lot wearing one I guess!
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2006/08/18, 09:21 AM
Well as of this week it has been 4 months and so far no ill effects, so thank you all, I am feelign much better now.
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2006/08/18, 10:15 AM
glad to hear it bob.
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2006/08/22, 10:06 AM
Well Folks, she went out and got a new one made as the old one is to big now! I am just waiting for all this to end as I think she is hurting herself.
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2006/08/22, 10:23 AM
I suppose her theory tht she is losing weight with it has been proven.

Maybe I'll try it!!
I mean this in the kindest way...
Maybe you should find something else to direct your seem a little overly focused on this issue.
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2006/08/23, 09:29 AM
ok this is long so feel sorry....but I took it from a corset society site that is very pro corset but practical with tips.
Health Concerns

Many first time corset wearers are concerned about the health risks involved. In reality, there are very few dangers in proper corseting. The body adapts to the reduced waistline by shifting and squishing. Over long periods of corseting, organs will shift to make way for the reduction. There is nothing wrong with this, if organs could not shift and move without harm it would be incredibly dangerous to get pregnant, and a baby will shift organs much more than a corset ever will. The key is in time. A baby takes months and months to grow and gradually reshape the body. Corsetting should take at least that long. A corset should never be tightened to the point where it is painful or the wearer cannot breathe. More signs that a corset has been tightened too much: back pain, numbness or tingling in the legs, nausea, dizziness, headaches, shortness of breath, and chest pains. All these things are warning signs that you have overdone your lacing and should cut back and work more slowly into the reduction you want. Most of the other things you hear about corsets – back damamge, liver and intestinal damage, broken ribs – are either rumors or memories of corsets at the beginning of the 20th century – the S-curve corsets. S-curve corsets brought on many health and physical problems, and should only be worn after a doctor has been consulted, for they are the one kind of corset that can be damaging to the body when worn properly.

There are a few changes you should consider making to your daily habits when you are wearing a corset. The constriction on your waist and stomach will mean you are hungry less often and eat less when you do eat. Try to stick to lean meats and veggies to get the most nutrition from the fewer foods you are eating. Remember to drink a lot of water. Because of the constriction on the stomach even a little gas can cause acute pains, so consider staying away from carbonated beverages and other foods that cause you to have gas. Processed sugars and complex carbs also take a long time to digest, so try to avoid them at these times when you are compressing the organs that need to work hard in digestion. Finally, alcohol is not recommended while you corset, but some people only wear corsets to parties and other drinking functions. Corseting can be good in these cases, for the reduced digestion means less absorption into your bloodstream. Remember, though, that doesn’t mean the alcohol just disappears, it is just waiting in your digestive system to be absorbed. Drink plenty of water, and try to wait a few hours after your last drink to open the corset, because as you unlace and take the pressure off your stomach and intestine, all the alcohol that was not absorbed before will flood the suddenly-working system and hit you even harder.

Another common health risk with corsetry is dry skin. The skin under a corset can’t breathe and sweat like skin that is under looser clothing, so it dries out more frequently. One of the first signs of this is itching. Some more serious symptoms are pinching or pulling sensations, especially at the sides and more elastic parts, and dry scales or short, regular cuts and breaks. If you get an itch while you are corseted, try not to scratch it. Scratching will only damage the fashion fabric, not give you relief. Instead, remove the corset as soon as you can and rub lotion into the skin underneath it. In the future, apply lotion to the skin about a half hour before you plan to put on your corset, then put talcum powder on the skin. Another good preventative is to wear a corset liner. These can be purchased from corsetiers or made by sewing bathing suit lining into a tube. The liner is put on over powdered skin and under the corset, with the seam up the back spine, and is washed with each wearing. It also keeps the sweat and oils from the skin away from the corset, so it is a good idea to get a few corset liners if you plan to corset every day or want to keep your new corset in the best possible condition over many wearings. Historical corsets are usually worn with a historical chemise, which served the same purpose. When you are making or picking a liner or chemise, remember to try to keep the seams to a minimum and keep your seam finishes neat and small. Large, bulky seams create hot spots for the skin to rub against and pinch or blister. Another good idea for those wanting to wear a corset every day: get two or more corsets and alternate their wearings. This gives the corsets time to rest, dry, and breathe.
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2006/08/23, 09:43 AM
Wow thanks a lot lonegirl! Can I ask what site this is from?
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2006/08/23, 11:09 AM
I have actually known a few women that wore corsets. One had one on each and every day. She was a long time wearer of them. Had little bad effects. Good luck!

Less Talk, More Chalk!
The Men and Boys are Separated by one thing: The Squat Cage!
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2006/08/23, 02:24 PM
A BAD fitting corset can be a very vague term when it comes to how tight and rigid it is. A BAD shoe would be one that gives you blisters right, but for some reason I know alot of women that have the right size shoe and put up with the pain so they can have the perfect look. Moderation is the key, and your concern and research is nothing to be hiding from your wife. If anything both you and your wife should be researching this topic together.