Group: I am overweight or obese

Created: 2012/01/01, Members: 381, Messages: 6449

Being overweight is a common trait these days and there is not enough help out there. Find out how you can shed those pounds and improve yourself from within.

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Obese for most of my life

Posts: 16
Joined: 2004/06/19
United States
2004/06/30, 11:11 PM
Hello everyone. I am new to this website and I hope that it helps me more than my family does. I have been heavy all of my life and have never found anything to help me. Doctors have tested me many times for Diabetes and thyroid problems, and the tests always came up negative. Last month I had an appointment with a new doctor because my weight makes me extremely depressed. She ran some test and diagnosed me with Poly-Cystic Ovarian Syndrome, which affects your body the same as diabetes type two but does not show up in glucose tolerance tests. She started me on a low-carb diet and wanted me to excercise. I have never been good at doing sither, and so far it has proved to be rough. I have 100 pounds to lose, and I just hope that I can do it. So far with this website, I have enjoyed the workouts and think that it will be easy to continue. As for the diet ?!?!?! Who knows?
Posts: 16
Joined: 2004/06/19
United States
2004/07/01, 12:27 AM
Thanks, I know it is gonna be hard, but I am sure I can do it if I keep in the right frame of mind. My only thing that I am having a hard time with right now is that the gas station next door to where I work just got Krispy Kreme donuts in (something that we don't have unless you drive for an hour) and my EVIL co-workers :laugh: think that they must buy a dozen a day and keep them in the back room next to the time clock...Some things should just be illegal!!!!
Posts: 1,585
Joined: 2004/05/28
United States
2004/07/01, 05:13 PM
Hang in there, I can say truthfully that I really am liking my new eating habits, it was very difficult the first couple weeks, but day by day it was easier and now it is necessity - that doesn't mean I don't slip now and then, but let me tell you, I get on my glider or go walk or something to burn that extra, I don't let it just sit there if I do eat something I shouldn't have. I have very little sugars in my diet now and it was surprising easy once I passed that two week mark and now I don't put sugar in my cereal or anything unless it is a tad of Splenda, but even now I rarely do that.

I always say, be patient and understanding with yourself, but strong! You will feel so much better for it!

Good luck!

***When you are up to your ears in trouble, try using the part that is not submerged.
***The difference between a dream and a goal is a plan.

Posts: 79
Joined: 2004/05/12
United States
2004/07/02, 12:24 AM
Hey hma-
Cop is right on. Follow a diet like he recommended and you will see results. I am in a very similar situation to you- I can totally relate. Been big my whole life- was nearly 290 at one point. Now I'm down to 255 as of this afternoon. I just watch the carb intake and eat healthy. I also follow an ft training program- I think that is key. By lifting weights your metabolism will pick up and your body will burn calories all day.
As for the Krispy Kremes.... again- I had the same problem! haha. my coworkers always pick up a box and leave in the breakroom. It takes some discipline, but once you get past that craving stage, you'll do great. I was going to have one yesterday, took one bite and threw the rest away.
Anyways, I hope you do well!
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2004/07/02, 07:52 AM can do it, the fact that you have joined here and are openly talking about your struggles is a good sign. You will get lots of support and we will be here to help you ward off those cravings and get you back on track when you do give into them. (unless, of course you insist that I lend my support by eating the things like KK for you, which I would be happy to do as well....:laugh:)

Keep you chin up, the sky is way more interesting than the ground!
Posts: 16
Joined: 2004/06/19
United States
2004/07/02, 10:49 PM
Thank you all for your support and encouragement. I am confused, however, on weather or not fruit should be in my low-carb diet. I have read both yes and no in different magazines and books. I love fruit and I am missing it a lot, especially watermelon. Any one know the answer?
Posts: 3
Joined: 2004/07/02
United States
2004/07/03, 04:23 AM
Aloha hma0575, I'm a newbie too(sort of) new to ET anyway. I've been athletic for most of my life and a big girl for all of my life. The food thing...I really enjoy the nutrtional tracker, even though it takes me a while to get the meals posted. I think it will get faster with practice. The tracker is like a game and at the end of the day I get to see how well I did. So, now I consciously eat things to "score" me higher points. The tracker rates you on nutrtion and the numbers too. I swear it's very cool. Maybe you'll like it the way I do and that'll help not eating the donuts and eating the dark leafy greens. Take care.
Posts: 1,585
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United States
2004/07/03, 02:21 PM
I have asked this question before, maybe you could do a search on the fitBuddy below and you could find more, too, but I guess what I feel is fruit is better than junk food any day and is still good for you. I haven't cut it out, I usually eat my fruit right after or just before my cardio workouts, hoping the sugar will burn off, I don't know if that makes sense or not, but that is my theory in my little world.

***When you are up to your ears in trouble, try using the part that is not submerged.
***The difference between a dream and a goal is a plan.

Posts: 166
Joined: 2004/06/09
2004/07/03, 07:50 PM
Hi hma,
I eat around 4 servings of fruit a day and Im not finding it difficult to lose weight. I always have mine with breakfast and lunch though, maybe this is what's helping me. Watermelon is 97% water anyway, Im sure it's not going to hurt your efforts at all. Fruit, just like everything else, has an important part to play in your daily diet. Less fruit and water, less toilet time, if you know what I mean. :big_smile:

I knew my parents\' loved me, my bath toys were a toaster and a radio ~ Rodney Dangerfield.
Posts: 136
Joined: 2004/04/22
2004/07/07, 09:42 AM
Hi HMA - welcome.

Diet is tough for many of us. I can't follow anything too strict for very long. I think most of us can't. I'd suggest educating yourself about what is healthy and what isn't and go with that.

I just started keeping a food journal even though I never thought I would. I keep track of everything I eat and it makes me feel accountable.

The biggest change I've made is portion control. Here's my guidelines:
1. Eat 5-6 meals a day
2. Eat protein at every meal
3. A protein serving is a size of a deck of cards (no bigger)
4. Max of 3 fruits per day
5. Minimum of 6 servings of veggies a day
6. 2 whole grain servings per day
7. 3 servings of good fat per day (olive oil, flax, peanut butter etc)


Try keeping track of what you eat. Even if you only do it for a week you'll at least have a perspective on what you're doing right and wrong.

Good luck.
Posts: 6
Joined: 2004/06/19
United States
2004/07/30, 12:17 AM
I second Prairie on tracking your food... You have gotten very sound advice here, but for me, losing weight ONLY happens when I write EVERYTHING down... If you come to a point where you are not seeing results, write it down...

I was 'off the wagon' for aabout a week, and the last two days before I committed to getting back on my program, I wrote down everything... After looking at how unhealthful and nasty my diet was, I was more motivate to eat "clean" and fuel my body so that I could make the exercise changes I wanted...

Good luck! YOU CAN DO IT!

Use today like you know you should...
Posts: 1
Joined: 2004/08/16
2004/08/16, 04:04 PM

I have polycystic ovarian syndrome too and have been on a low carb diet and have lost almonst 150 lbs. My doc told me I was allowed to eat fruit, but I found it slowed my weight loss down quite a bit. I found it best to have one serving of fruit 3 times a week. Low sugar fruits like apples, oranges, cantaloupe and strawberries are good choices. This way, you're not getting too much sugar, but you don't feel deprived either.:big_smile:
Posts: 153
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United States
2004/08/17, 01:48 PM
Prairie and diva are right on here. Diets do not work. Only a sensible lifestyle does. And that takes time so don't beat yourself up. Set a new goal each week to attain so you can take baby steps to incorporate a better lifestyle. For instance this week you can say I will drink at least 8 glasses of water each day. Next week you can add a protein with each meal, Next week, walk or some form of movement for at least 20 minutes each day etc...I have heard of PCOS and know that it is harder to loose weight with this but not impossible. Do a search on google and see what kind of info you can come up with. :cool:
Posts: 9
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United States
2004/08/17, 05:34 PM
HMA - let me tell you somethign about watermelon.... IT IS MY ABSOLUTE favorite fruit... it consist of mostly water and taste fantastic. It is also loaded with an ingrediant that slows aging down because it catches the free radicals that float around your body aging it... so i say INDULGE! its good for you..and as for those low carb diets telling you not to eat fruit... i say eat some.. its good for you especially apples and the fiber in them! just dont add anything to them like sugar or salt... :big_smile:
Posts: 1
Joined: 2006/02/21
United States
2006/02/21, 08:48 PM
i am new to the site, I am 47 years old and need to lose 150lbs.. I find that I am never full and although I eat alot of fruit and vegetables I also snack all day long on junk. Does anyone have any ideas how to curb the snacking on junk? I feel like I am always hungry.
Posts: 446
Joined: 2002/11/13
2006/02/22, 08:37 AM
Set small goals :) If you eat 12 cookies a day make a goal of 10 cookies and 3 carrots...Stock up on healthy crunchy veggies that have lots of fibre...Make sure you are getting in enough is very filling...switch any refined white breads to whole grain...take it one day at a time....if you drink lots of soda drink more water instead...
Posts: 515
Joined: 2006/02/01
United States
2006/02/22, 02:21 PM
I can only agree with everybody here. The nutrition tracker on this website is a huge help. It's a lot of fun, like playing a game. It motivates and makes you feel acountable which is sooo important. Also small steps can make a big difference. Don't want to much to fast. Congratulations on taking the first steps on YOUR road to success! YOU CAN DO IT!!!:big_smile:

\"One Ring to rule them all; One Ring to find them; One Ring to bring them all, and in the Darkness bind them.\" -LOTR Trilogy
Posts: 139
Joined: 2002/06/06
United States
2006/02/23, 01:52 PM
Great advice so far. What is important is that you do what your are doing. Seek good advice and find what works for you. It has taken me two years to get from 296 to 245 and I hope to reach 220 by the end of this calander year. For me It has been a change of lifestyle. Dang I love good food. I had to start by getting my lazy butt up every day and go for a walk. I make choices every day to do what I can today to have have a successfull day as far as making healthy choices. I only try to get through today and dont worry about yesterday or tomorrow. I can only control the choices I make today. After a year of just walking I started weight training here and have been getting leaner and stronger since. You have come to the right place. These folks are AWESOME.You will find tons of support here. Remember Lifestyle change = Lifestyle Choice. Choose every day to do a good as you can. Keep doing that and the rest will take care of itself. Best Wishes.
P.S. If I can do this ANYONE can (I was fat and lazy most of my life). Excitedly that is no more and never will be the case. Keep up the Great Work it will pay off.

"Do the right Things" and "Do Things Right". You will succeed.