Group: Strength & Powerlifting

Created: 2012/01/01, Members: 39, Messages: 16459

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need some help with this

Posts: 1
Joined: 2008/10/12
United States
2008/10/12, 11:47 PM
ok. im 18 years old, consistently workout an hour and a half 4 days a week. the other three days i stay active doing things so its not like im sitting around. i take creatine consitently and currently am 5'10, 160 lbs. i have gained 10 lbs in about 2 months and have gotten a little bigger. but i want to see more change in less time. i have even gone as far as thinking of steroids but i dont think its worth it. and my diet is pretty good. though i could use a bit more protein, which i am soo going to fix by adding a high protein shake. anyways, any suggestions from you guys on how to get bigger quicker? im working my ass off and seeing small gains but i want to break through the barrier and get big.
Posts: 1,312
Joined: 2003/07/10
United States
2008/10/13, 10:41 AM
If you're putting the time and effort into the gym then look to your diet. Eat more food.

Honestly though, 10 pounds in 2 months isn't bad. Much more than that and you'll be adding more fat than you want. In order to gain muscle and not get fat you need to keep it slow like that.
2008/10/20, 11:32 AM
if u got natural route:

#1 time
#2 diet
#3 focus on strength: give body a reason to become bigger
#4 patience

if you choose to juice:

#1 consult with a doctor
#2 do it under doctors supervision
#3 think hard and long before doing it
#4 make sure you're optimal in all the major categories of performance...which it doesnt sound like you are...

what kind of lifting do u do 4 days a week?