Group: I am overweight or obese

Created: 2012/01/01, Members: 381, Messages: 6449

Being overweight is a common trait these days and there is not enough help out there. Find out how you can shed those pounds and improve yourself from within.

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I wish I was small again...

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Joined: 2008/01/15
United States
2008/01/15, 01:58 PM
I have had two kids befor turning 18 and I was 125 lbs and now iam UP there..I would love to loss 40 45 lbs FAST..:big_smile:
Posts: 7
Joined: 2008/01/22
United States
2008/01/22, 12:51 PM
I know how you feel, I had my 1st child by 16 and gained over 90 lbs. After he was born I lost 54 lbs. then got pregnant again. By the 3rd child I was at 200 lbs. give or take 10. I don't know exactly where to begin, I feel selfish for wanting that extra time each day just for me. To lose weight I will have to prepare the family meal, then my meal. Another question, does every mom feel like there is never time just to work out?:(
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United States
2008/01/22, 12:57 PM
It is not selfish to take some time just for fact it is good for your moral and will make you a happier mom.And you truely dont have to prepare a seperate meal for you and for your family.Let your family eat healthy with you.Dont think of yourself as on a diet...and life will be smoother.
Read around on this site...there is a wealth of information here...and you will be surprised how wrong your preconceived notions may least mine were.
Make the time for you can do it...good luck!!!:)
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Joined: 2008/01/22
United States
2008/01/22, 01:12 PM
That's exactly how I feel, I had kids very young and I haven't been able to keep off the weight. My youngest is 8 yrs old and I still haven't really lost the weight from having her. I want to lose about 26 lbs but it just wont come off.
Posts: 7
Joined: 2008/01/22
United States
2008/01/23, 10:51 AM
Thanks for the support. Anyone got any ideas about how to put my foot down and I will not feel selfish. I know the only way to get better connected to my kids is to lose the weight. I feel bad that the kids are embarrassed of me and now my little girl is starting to feel the same way. I am tired of the boys coming home from school upset because another kid said something ugly about me and he felt like he should stand up for me but didn't know what to say. He knows mom is fat and it just hurt. My kids will stand behind me but dad is a different story. What does a woman do?
I know I could try feeding everyone the same meal however my picky children will probably complain. I tried before and their answer was "Why do we have to eat this stuff?".
Does anyone have some really great recipes that will work but the kids will eat?
Posts: 601
Joined: 2005/07/26
United States
2008/01/23, 02:09 PM
Beloved, there is no need to feel selfish. I'm not the best mom to give advice about how to handle kids who are being treated badly at school. ha ha. There was a much older boy picking on my son all the time calling him names, etc. I told my son to call the kid a mental giant and ask if he had to take special classes to get so creative? If my son were being given a hard time because of my weight, I'd tell my son to respond to the bully by saying "Yeah, and your mom is ugly and THAT can't be fixed!". Again, not the best for advice about children. ha ha.
As far as recipes for the kids, again I'm going to win the mother of the year award here, but hear me out. When I was growing up my mom made 3 seperate meals EVERY night. One for my dad, (meat and potatos), one for me (frozen pizza, chicken nuggets, grilled cheese) and one for her which was her diet food of the week. I can tell you where that got me today! It turned me fat, with no comprehension of a healthy diet, how to eat, and with a very picky pallet. Even to this day my husband does all the cooking for me (because I'm also a horrible cook) and admit that I plug my nose and swallow bites of fish whole when the kids aren't looking because I hate it so much. I force it down because it's good for me. The kids dont always like the food that we serve but we do have a rule. They have to try everything on their plate. They dont have to eat it if they dont like it (after trying it), but they don't get anything else either. Basically you get what you are served, or go to bed hungry. Your children will not starve to death and will eventually learn to eat the foods you cook. I beg you to do this. I cringe every time I see kids eating the way that I was fed as a child because it's made my life hell as an adult. I know that my mom had great intentions and made me special meals because she loved me. But, imagine how hard it is for me at a business luncheon when they serve salmon, asparagus and fancy lettuce salad? It's torture. I do it, but I am scared to death that the clients will see me make faces that I don't realize I'm making. Please don't do that to your kids.
As far as your husband, I've got some pretty strong thoughts on that too. ha ha. Go figure, right? You can do to him what my hubby did to me. Same thing we did to the kids. He basically laid down the law and told me that I can eat what he cooks, or I can make my own dinner. Luckily he cooks healthy, but I basically have the option of choking down the fish (not every day) or I can nuke a lean cuisine. And how selfish would I be if I requested that he make me something special outside of the family meal? Yikes.
You are not the maid of your house. You are doing your part providing a meal. You aren't a restaurant where everyone needs a list of choices every day. You are doing the best thing for your family by feeding them healthy foods and teaching them healthy habits.
Good luck to you sweat pea, I think I'll go burn some bras now or something. lol