Group: I am overweight or obese

Created: 2012/01/01, Members: 381, Messages: 6449

Being overweight is a common trait these days and there is not enough help out there. Find out how you can shed those pounds and improve yourself from within.

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i need 2 lose 120lbs HELP

Posts: 4
Joined: 2004/09/18
United States
2004/09/19, 01:03 AM
im an 18yr old female and i took the depo shot(birthcontol) 3times since i took it the first time i gained 60lbs total now im 250-255lbs.Be4 I was already overweight at 200lbs but ive never been like this in my whole life.i really need advice on how 2 lose this weight i'm 5'6 and this weight has destroyed my life please someone help me out:love:
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2004/09/19, 11:02 AM
Welcome to FT! This is a great place for help and motivation....

First of all, fill out your profile so we know more about you... secondly, keep an eye on what you're eating... diet is the most important thing... then, try some weight training and cardio... extra muscles helps burn more calories...

Good luck!


I count him braver who overcomes his desires than him who conquers his enemies, for the hardest victory is over self. - Aristotle

You have the power to change a life right in your own hands. - Paul Brandt
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2004/09/19, 11:04 AM
You need not to try and start your weight loss program to quickly and hard. If you do this, then this could lead to failure. You'll get tired of working to hard and then you'll just quit.

I'm not saying that you aren't already, but try eating more healthy foods.

Try cutting down your carbs and getting your protein high.

I think you should always stay away from lots of fat but if you do eat it, make sure it's the healthy kinds of fat (omega 3's, and 6's)

eat about 500 calories less then you burn a day, or 250 less and do some cardio. Cardio is very healthy for your heart it gets the blood pumping and burns calories.

Don't let anybody say you can't lose weight! Anybody can. and remember, it's not going to come over night

set your goals of losing about 1 to 1.5 pounds per week, and no more...

Another thing, if you have a scale, hide it and don't check your weight everyday, you'll go crazy! Check it everyweek.
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United States
2004/10/14, 01:18 PM
I know just how you feel. I took the depo shot too and in a years time I went from 125 to 180 lbs. That was a while ago, and I've been trying to lose weight ever since. I've been dieting and excercising and have dropped down to 154, but i seem to be stuck at this weight. I don't know how to get the rest of the weight off, I've tried everything. Please help!!!!!
Posts: 133
Joined: 2004/04/03
United Kingdom
2004/10/21, 11:42 AM
Im 19 and taking the depo shot also...this is my second time getting it and i haven't gained any weight. I ask the nurse if it did put on weight.
He said "you getting hormones into your you think it will put on weight?"
Remember some times contraceptives work in a way your body thinks your already pregnant, so maybe its more of cravings for more food to store for a baby that ins't there.
It could also make it harder to loose i said because you body thinks it's pregnant...just be careful of your intake in calories and keep up to exersice.
I was also on the migroginon which is another typr of birth control pill and i didnt put on weight with that either.
Posts: 133
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United Kingdom
2004/10/21, 11:44 AM
Also dx14ag is right...remember if you eat alot of carbs it alos gets stored if you do not use up the energy..what is you diet?
Posts: 325
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United Kingdom
2004/10/23, 11:16 AM
do not start a weight loss plan at all.. but do start a new way of life. think about 'some' of the foods you know you shouldn't eat at all or much of and start doing one of two things- cut the product from your diet completely or use it as a weekly reward , for example chocolate on saturday evening only once you've achieved a week of good exercise/food intake.

rome wasn't built in a day and your problem is not being overweight at all. you only believe it's your weight that's an issue. but your problem is 'lifestyle'. that's a fact otherwise you wouldn't be 120 pound overweight. you must be eating irregularly, processed foods, sugars, alcohol, sweets and fats etc in various combinations of wrong and too much.. also not eating enough helps retain fat so you must retrain to what is factually normal and not what is the average man in the streets 'average' consumption which has become the 'norm' these days. it's great for the blessed people who chew gum and constantly fidget and so forth, burning their excess gluttony so a good practise for you now is to do simple things that will change your life;

chew gum,
fidget or move at regular intervals,
plan to eat 'something'(a carrot? a plum) and call it a meal every 2 hours
always have an oat breakfast or bran flake or ... ?
don't eat any or much carb 3 hours before sleeping,
count calories/fat/protein content as best you can,
have a plan of foods that you know you like, can get to like
when you crave crisps eat carrot, walnuts, celery or ?
crave chocolate then have a light onion salad

good planning and decisive plans are your first stride toward your goal, exercise must be part of your plan.

patience because you can't measure a pound a week loss easily so make it a weigh in on the 16th evening every month and expect to lose between 5 to 12 pounds each time, 5 being success and above this excellent and congratulate yourself for what you achieve but don't admonish.
make a goal to run 2 miles within 2 months of training toward this starting with a 1/2 mile round the block and time yourself, , compete against yourself... best of luck

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United States
2004/10/25, 02:16 AM
HI I would love to be a buddy for you. I also have 120 lbs to loose. I was always overweight but when I got pregnant I gained 40 lbs and still have 20-30 lbs of that plus 100 lbs I needed to loose before getting pregnant.

I'd be happy to keep in touch to support and encourge each other. :) I have made it my monthly goal for Oct Nov and Dec to get 1000 minutes of exercise each month. Jan I plan to increase it based on how I do Nov and Dec. So far for Oct I have only 405 minutes so I have some catching up to try for this week.

If you are interested in buddying up email me at

Take care and good luck on journey you have some great tips here and I have noted a few myself. :)
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Joined: 2004/09/18
United States
2004/12/19, 10:55 PM
Thank you all 4 ur advice and btw i only eat 1meal aday which is dinner and i drink lots of diet soda and i do crave carbs alot potatoes especially im tryin 2 get out of that habit:big_smile:

Posts: 5,146
Joined: 2002/10/21
United States
2004/12/28, 10:19 PM
You won't loose any weight on one meal a day........maybe for ea week or so, but you metabolism will start shutting down, do to lack of calories, so in stead of burning 100calories a day, it will burn 700, cause it thinks its starving. And when you do eat? gues where its going? To the fat stores! If your body thinks its starving it will store more fat.

YOur body will actualy burn muscle 1st before fat, because more muscle you have more calories you need to live. By getting rid of some lean tissue, it saves on how many calories it needs in a day.

You body doesn't care what it looks like, only about surviving.

The following, has not be approved by the FDA or FT, it was not meant to diagnose,treat,or prevent any diease(s) Please consult a moderator or doctor before using any of the suggestions or comments.

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United States
2004/12/28, 10:20 PM
opps old post, hope she comes back to read it( doubt it)

The following, has not be approved by the FDA or FT, it was not meant to diagnose,treat,or prevent any diease(s) Please consult a moderator or doctor before using any of the suggestions or comments.

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United States
2004/12/29, 09:50 AM
bigandrew, I see that she posted again in Dec.

Hi Mandinxtc! He is right, oh so right! Our mentality is that to eat next to nothing will bring us results, but that is sabatoge plain and simple. You have to, have to eat a well balanced diet within your energy needs, to find that you use your age and weight, do a search on fitBuddy and you will find much on that issue. If you do not meet your needs, your body basically has no choice but to munch on the good stuff (muscle) and keep the fat in storage as it thinks it is in starvation mode. Then when you finally eat, you may do like I would do and pork out you are so darn hungry! My husband would always say to his friends, "she don't eat nothing" and he was right and yet you think they believed him when I weighed in up to 230? Now I eat 5-6 meals, though of late it was tough as I was opening a new business and eating just didn't seem like an option most times, but now that things have calmed down I am doing much better. Take beef jerkey with you (they have low sodium now), just keep food with you so you aren't hungry and so you don't over eat when you finally sit down to eat.

You just have to change your mindset, as did I, as did many others, or you will continue on struggling with your weight forever!

Quoting from mandinxtc:

Thank you all 4 ur advice and btw i only eat 1meal aday which is dinner and i drink lots of diet soda and i do crave carbs alot potatoes especially im tryin 2 get out of that habit:big_smile:


***When you are up to your ears in trouble, try using the part that is not submerged.
***The difference between a dream and a goal is a plan.

Posts: 2
Joined: 2005/01/02
2005/01/02, 11:42 PM
I also was on the depo shot but I was on it for 3 years and it does make you gain weight and it mess's your body up so for those who are on it I suggest you find a better way of birth control because I wouldnt want anyone going through the things I went through. Its been 2 years and my body is just getting back to normal but still need to loose weight any suggestions?:(:love:
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Joined: 2005/01/02
2005/01/02, 11:55 PM
oh yea and I am new so I NEED FRIENDS lol :big_smile:

luv Danielle :)
Posts: 4
Joined: 2004/09/18
United States
2005/01/03, 12:43 PM
hey ill be ur buddy and we can support eachother:big_smile:my aim/aol s/ns are: babyangelinxtc,effin manda.I'm also on yahoo: babyangelinxtc.:love:
Posts: 16
Joined: 2003/04/01
United States
2005/02/28, 02:15 AM
Wow. Now I know part of the problem for my weight gain. ALOT of weight gain. I'm supposed to take my shot this week. Maybe I'll rethink it some more. Thanks for the post.
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Joined: 2004/09/15
United States
2005/05/12, 08:35 AM
I'm in the same boat. I need to lose about 50 lbs due to my pregnancy. I gained about 60 lbs and have not been able to lose it. (my "baby" is now 4, so there really is no excuse) I have been trying to lose weight for the past 4 years now following Body For LIfe..inconcistently. Working out hasn't really been a problem for me. I have 2 gym memberships and go at least 3-4 times a week. Eating, however, is another story. I can't get it under control.
My main trouble spot is my belly and waistline. If I could lose that I wouldn't even care about the rest of me. Any help I can get would be greatly appreciated.
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United States
2005/05/13, 09:59 AM
Chyna...only way to lose fat around the belly and waistline is to lose it everywhere and this means watch your diet. Track what you eat for a week, so you can see what it is that's holding you back. I used when I started my diet and workout program and identified my protein/carb/fat intakes and determined from everything I read here that I needed to up my protein and cut my fat. I'm doing a 50/40/10 (Protein/carbs/fat) breakdown and that's been working great for me.

Also with your workout try to get 30-45 min of Cardio per workout. If you do weights then do them before your cardio (but don't forget 5-10 minute cardio warmup before the weights to get the blood moving).

Hope this helps. Please fill out your profile so we can help you out better.
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United States
2005/05/13, 10:02 AM
oops...that should have been
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Joined: 2008/08/17
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2008/08/17, 07:49 PM
:dumbbell: if u are feeling down about your weight don't feel bad it will be okay just tell ur self you are sexy shit put on one of ur sexy skirts and some sexy hills and go out have some fun be your self you aint got to front 4 nobody I weigh 195 I want to lose atlest 60-75 pounds now you know that will take about 1 year and I don't feel like worken out for 1 year straight so I don't care about what any body say fu#k every bodys suggestions.:laugh::laugh::laugh:

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2008/08/17, 07:36 PM
