Group: Beginners to Exercise

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good/bad soreness

Posts: 25
Joined: 2001/03/04
United States
2001/03/05, 09:49 AM
My husband and i just started working out, we are both pretty out of shape. i was wondering if anyone could tell me what a good muscle soreness feels like and what a bad soreness feels like when working out?

Posts: 1,112
Joined: 2000/11/27
2001/03/05, 12:45 PM
Welcome guys!

There is a big difference between good and bad soreness..

Good soreness occurs when you tear your muscle tissue at a microscopic level when you perform exercises or activities. This is normal, since the muscle then repair themselves and grow back stronger to adapt to the exercise and strain of weight resistance. This pain kicks in the day after your workout then the day after that as well. The pain is a tight, burning feeling.. diretly in the muscle wroked.

The bad pain is the result of injury. You feel it in you joints or bones. If this occurs, then stop and re-examine your training routine or exercise form. FT is great for this..

Personally.. I love the feeling of muscle soreness.. you feel full and satisified that youve done your job!

.o0 Arnold 0o.
Posts: 320
Joined: 2000/12/30
United States
2001/03/05, 02:02 PM
Sorness at first will be there. It's hard to explain, but you will know it when you really hurt something.

Posts: 333
Joined: 2001/01/02
United States
2001/03/06, 12:02 AM
i hate being sore it doesnt feel to good when u cant strectch your chest that much or walk right or extend your arms as fast as normal to me the worst is being sore in the abs hurts when u laugh or sneeze
Posts: 159
Joined: 2001/03/01
United States
2001/03/06, 07:28 PM
If you feel something happen that hurts when you are lifting weight then you are probably lifting too heavy or using bad form. The good soreness shows up a day or two after your workout.
Posts: 271
Joined: 2001/02/10
United States
2001/03/07, 01:56 AM
They call it DOMS or delayed onset muscle soreness. Like these guys say it generally starts 24 to 48 hours after a heavy session but only lasts 7 to 9 days. You can still train the sore muscle if you want but go light. It seems to me the more I try to favor the sore muscle the worse it gets. If you do some light resistance and stretching you might get a little releif. Personally I love the feeling but they say I'm not normal. If you get serious about training you'll learn to like it or at least get used to it too. Good luck and welcome to the best hobby anyone could have.