Group: General Diet & Nutrition

Created: 2011/12/31, Members: 399, Messages: 16719

With such a topic so broad we truly try to cover the basics from all angles in this group. Nothing too big or too small. Nutrition is as significant if not more as exercise is to reaching your goals so learn all you can.

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Good Idea?

Posts: 13
Joined: 2007/02/22
United States
2007/03/13, 12:57 AM
Ok...I was Calculating some stuff, wrote it down on paper...thought it looked good, but I want some advice on it. My goal is to lose 40-50 lbs...the first 10 are easy (Correct me if I'm wrong), then you should lose 2-3 a week to be healthy...which add's up to 8-12 a month...So tell me if this would be healthy.

Month weight lost
April 8-12
May 8-12
June 8-12
July 8-12
August 8-12
40-60 pounds lost

If I include the 10 pounds from the water weight, it would be 50-70 lost. I weigh 183...I'm going on 18 in April...I'm 5'2...I have a funny body structure...broad shoulders, wide hips, skinny waist. The charts say I should weigh anywhere from 125-135...So, I'm going for 130...Oh wise Masters of the FT message boards, tell me if my calculations are correct and safe!!! :love:Thanks!:big_smile:
Posts: 13
Joined: 2007/02/22
United States
2007/03/13, 01:25 AM
I'm making charts like a mad woman!!!:laugh:
Posts: 301
Joined: 2006/12/02
United States
2007/03/13, 09:17 AM
That would be the ideal way, BUT it is not gauranteed that you will lose That. Life happens!! For me anyways. There was some months I was working hard and lost Nothing. But my diet was bad other months I lost 5-6 pounds It really depends on diet. If weight lifting then you could maybe gain a little muscle. Not sure if this helps. But everybody is different. I think if your in to making charts and lists. Focus on figuring out your calories and how your ratios should be (p/c/f)If you really wanna lose focus on diet. And don't forget to hit the weights:dumbbell:

A** kissing only works if you know which one to kiss.

If your dog is fat, you're not getting enough exercise. ~Author Unknown
"Insanity is doing the same thing you've always done and expecting different results."Roger Milliken
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2007/03/13, 09:37 AM
Typically one should aim for 1-2lb per week. You want to loose 40-50lbs, that would take about 20-25 weeks or at least 5-7 months. I know that sounds like a longggg time, but that is much more realistic and you'll have a higher probability of keeping the wt off for the long term. You're correct in thinking you drop more in the first couple of weeks, but believe me, you'll also have weeks where you loose nothing, so you have to balance it out over the long term. Although you may not drop lbs as quickly as you'd like, if you include a great exercise program (wts/cardio) you'll find you'll drop clothes sizes and begin to look better within the first 4-6weeks!

The real key is to start NOW! Set up a healthy diet plan (tons of advice on this site) and get a good cardio/wt program going.

You sound motivated, so I think you'll do well. Good Luck!
Posts: 273
Joined: 2007/01/14
United Kingdom
2007/03/13, 11:04 AM
It's horrible when you realise that it might take a whole 6 months to make a dent in what took (for me) 10 years to mess up! Impatience is my middle name!

If your body shape defies the normal categorisations for BMI etc, maybe look at your body fat percentage and aim to get that to healthy levels. You can go mad in excel and calculate lean body mass and fat mass and stuff and targets and graphs (can you tell I like excel?).

Nice to see you so fired up!

Posts: 717
Joined: 2006/04/22
United States
2007/03/13, 11:52 AM
Hey, my scenario is probably worst case for someone who has been consistently working out and adhering to a sound diet. I started last April at 147 and just hit the 133.5 mark. Patience is definitely involved.

Looking at this as the beginning of a new lifestyle helps rather than looking toward an ultimate weight loss goal. If you focus only on the weight loss goal, what happens when you get there? Are you done because you've reached your goal? That happens to so many people. Realizing how hard I worked to get where I am motivates me to never want to go back to where I was.
Posts: 441
Joined: 2006/11/23
United States
2007/03/13, 03:09 PM
Well even if you aren't seeing the results on the scale, chances are you are seeing them in the mirror and feeling them with your increased strength and energy!!

Just hang in there. I catch myself looking 2-3 weeks ahead in the program because i am so excited about the gains I've made and can't wait to get more!!
Posts: 13
Joined: 2007/02/22
United States
2007/03/13, 07:43 PM
Most of my fat is on my tummy...I wish it were attached with'm not worried about waiting...but I'm all the more inspired because my boyfriends ex is starting crap with me and is pointing out that I'm fat...big whoop...she's full of hot air...
Posts: 155
Joined: 2007/01/06
2007/03/13, 08:50 PM
i noticed by a few of your posts your one for writting lists just one quick question how do you feel if you dont accomplish your lists when you wrote down?
Posts: 3
Joined: 2007/03/14
2007/03/14, 04:44 PM
Wow that's a great goal but I'd think it might be somewhat unreasonable. Like fly on the wall stated, you should aim for 1-2 pounds because 2-3 pounds means your calorie deficit will be around 1000-1500 calories/day. I did not say that's impossible (b/c impossible is nothing) but trying to maintain this defiicit will be difficult and when you check the scale after two weeks or so, and you don't get the results you are looking for, it will only destroy your motiviation further. So if I were you, I'd start by maybe aiming to lose 1-2 pounds and eventually increase the calorie deficit. Also, what is your diet going to be? Are you going to be able to fufill all you daily vitamins, fibre etc needs as well as what is your daily excercise routine?

Impossible is nothing (Yea yea, Adidas stole it from me)
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United States
2007/03/15, 10:09 AM
Just a fair warning. Don't overthink this in the beginning. Lots of people get real gung-ho about their workouts in the beginning and spend more time making charts and tracking every single aspect of their diet and workout then they actually spend preparing food and working out. This ends up in a lot of maintenance to keep up with your routine and with many people it gives them a reason to give up.

Keep it simple and you're more then likely to continue it. As you realise it has become a lifestyle then you can change it up and say you want to buckle down in this area and make some charts or track every detail of your lifts and your increases from week to week. However in the beginning it's best to just do something until it becomes a habit.