Group: Strength & Powerlifting

Created: 2012/01/01, Members: 39, Messages: 16459

Discuss the topic of Power lifting, Strength training and Strong Man training!

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Gaining strenghth, but not mass?

Posts: 35
Joined: 2002/05/29
United States
2002/09/27, 12:23 AM
Well, I need to loose 10lbs for wrestling, and I dont want to loose any strength, so what is the best way to keep it, and get even stronger? I have heard doing hundreds of push-pus, and pull-ups are a good way, but could someone verify this for me please? Also if you have a good program please share the info.
Posts: 212
Joined: 2002/04/23
United States
2002/10/02, 05:04 PM
Why not give one of the programs a try.
I have gained strength as I have lost the fat.

:) Melissa

Attitudes are contagious, is yours worth catching?
Posts: 766
Joined: 2002/10/17
United States
2002/10/23, 12:35 PM
I've read that the best way to maintain strength while cutting is with low rep, high weight lifts. Some might prescribe several sets of 1RM singles followed by a 3RM set of three. Look up Westside periodization at That'll help you maintain strength since it's primarily neural training.