Group: I am overweight or obese

Created: 2012/01/01, Members: 381, Messages: 6449

Being overweight is a common trait these days and there is not enough help out there. Find out how you can shed those pounds and improve yourself from within.

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Critique me please!?

Posts: 601
Joined: 2005/07/26
United States
2007/05/11, 02:06 PM
Hi. I'm sorry to do this, I've been desperately searching for answers to my questions based on previous posts, but they go back to 2001, and there are differing opinions on everything and I'm getting very confused. I'm trying to lose about 55 lbs. I've been at it for about 3 weeks now, and can see no results and when I measured and weighed myself, have lost about 2 lbs. and only found a 1/2 inch loss in my neck (huh!?) and 1/2" loss in my belly. Ugh. So, can someone look at my plan below and let me know if I'm off track anywhere or if I'm doing the right thing and just need to be more patient? A side note, I do my workout at 4:20 in the am. It's the only time that I have with a busy job and 2 kids, so splitting and working out twice a day or something would be near impossible (ie: weights in the am, cardio in the pm). Also, I'm sure my snacks should be better, but I have to sneak them at my desk at work, so they have to be small and portable.
Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri, Sat. - Whey protien shake, then go to the gym. 5 min. treadmill warm up, then 30 mins of weight training, then 35 mins on the treadmill on interval training. My weight training is based off the beginner weight loss plan for weights from this site. Usually only 2 or 3 different exercises each day (3-4 sets each). I have upped my weights and reduced my reps (usually about 10 reps per set) per advice on another post.
I take wed. and Sun. off from exercise.
After my workout (about 45 minutes after I exercise)
I eat a boiled egg, low fat yogurt and low fat muffin for breakfast (6:30 am) along with women's multi vitamin, magnesium supplement, green tea and st. john's wort.
AM Snack around 10:00 - Piece of low fat cheese
Lunch (12:00) - Lean Cuisine or other type of low calorie, low fat frozen meal
PM Snack around 3:00 - Piece of fruit, usually a banana
Dinner around 6:30 - Lean meat (fish, chicken, pork, red meat no more than twice a week), vegetable, bread
My daily calorie intake is running around 1500 per day (about 600 calories for dinner, the remainder split through the day), with about 25-30% fat, 40-45% carbs, and 30-35% protien.
I don't eat after 7:00, and only drink water or propel fitness water. No pop, coffee, milk, etc. Only water or fitness water (because I hate the taste of normal water).
Thanks for taking the time to read through this, and for offering any suggestions you may have. I assure you I wouldn't have asked if I hadn't already researched until my eyes went crossed and was still confused. Thanks again, I love this site! :)
Posts: 8,201
Joined: 2003/01/07
United States
2007/05/11, 02:13 PM
I've been at it for about 3 weeks now, and can see no results and when I measured and weighed myself, have lost about 2 lbs. and only found a 1/2 inch loss in my neck (huh!?) and 1/2" loss in my belly

give it 6 weeks to 3 months to really start getting going, your body takes time to adjust and shift your metabolism.

I would shift your eating more towards the style in the post WSSC food plan - more fibrous carbs and les starchy. oats and rice instead of bread and muffins...a little more protein. you are on your way - just a little fine-tuning.


Permanence, perseverance and persistence in spite of all obstacles, discouragements, and impossibilities: It is this, that in all things distinguishes the strong soul from the weak.
Thomas Carlyle

Posts: 601
Joined: 2005/07/26
United States
2007/05/11, 02:16 PM
Thanks asimmer. Helpful as always. Glad to know that Im not too far off base. I think i'll switch from my muffin to oatmeal in the am, and cut out the bread at dinner and incorporate another carb. Oh, I do so love bread. :( ha ha. Not as much as I love being able to wear shorts and tank tops!
Posts: 1,585
Joined: 2004/05/28
United States
2007/05/12, 03:54 PM
You are on your way!!! Just keep going and each day you will feel better and your body will conform--though it won't want to, it will happen! Our bodies just HATE it when we want to get thinner-they LOVE the healthier part but are so accoustomed to our diets that they freak out when we withhold, but after some time you will notice it relenting to your new ways!!


It is more important to know where you are going than to get there quickly. - Mabel Newcomber

Patience, persistence and perspiration make an unbeatable combination for success. - Napoleon Hill
Posts: 601
Joined: 2005/07/26
United States
2007/05/14, 01:15 PM
Thank you all for your support. I had to share my success today! Today was weight and measurement day (every other Monday). I have only lost 3 lbs total, but have lost 10 inches over my whole body! I actually took all of my measurements this time, not just a handful of them. Plus, I'm wearing a pair of capris today that I couldn't zip up a month ago. YAY!!! I entered my measurements into and it shows that I've lost about 1% of my body fat and my BMI came down a half point. WOO HOO!!! Thanks y'all!
Posts: 1,585
Joined: 2004/05/28
United States
2007/05/15, 06:52 PM
Congrats!! Way to go ---keep on movin'!!!:dumbbell::dumbbell::dumbbell:


It is more important to know where you are going than to get there quickly. - Mabel Newcomber

Patience, persistence and perspiration make an unbeatable combination for success. - Napoleon Hill