Group: Beginners to Exercise

Created: 2012/01/01, Members: 969, Messages: 18927

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Workout help

Posts: 5
Joined: 2012/03/18
United States
2012/03/18, 10:35 PM
Hey everyone my name is bik and i just had a few questions on the types of workouts i should do in order to lose wieght im 18 years old 6'5 nd wiegh around 335 and it would help if i knew how to loose wieght nd start putting on muscle.
Posts: 11
Joined: 2012/03/11
2012/03/19, 07:08 AM
Hey fella,

First of all, congratulations for deciding to empower yourself and to decide your destiny.  You're already a champ for this decision!!

"Life has no remote control...get up and change it yourself!"

Do you have access to a gym?  Or will you be doing exercising outside and at home?  What is your schedule like?  Are you in school or have a steady job?

I ask the second question because you need to make your workout a part of your life...just as automatic as getting up every morning.  It's important to incorporate it into your life so that it becomes habit.  So decide if it's going to be a morning routine or evening.  Me personally, I'm not a morning person, and my destructive habit has been eating junk food at night when I get home, so I go to the gym in the evenings.

What do you enjoy doing?  What do you envision yourself doing?  Do you see yourself running outdoors or do you see yourself in the gym lifting weights?

Posts: 5
Joined: 2012/03/18
United States
2012/03/19, 06:32 PM
Yea i know finally decided to get up and do something about my wieght and yea i have access to a gym and as far as my schedule goes im free all day with nothing to do so thats kinda why nows the best time to make moves and i love going out chillin with friends or taking girls out and thats also why i wanted to loose wieght and i see my self playing football for any college with a good program.
Posts: 11
Joined: 2012/03/11
2012/03/19, 06:42 PM
Awesome!  You may benefit from doing a weight routine three or four days a week.  Focus on your legs...they;re your largest muscles and the more muscle you have, the higher your metabolism!
For football, you're going to need to be able to turn on the speed at the drop of a hat.  It's a lot of quick power burst kind of stuff.  Another reason to work your lower body.
Cardio would also be really good for you.  Nothing too fast, but a nice slow jog that eats up the miles.  When you begin do a bit of walking, a bit of running, a bit of walking, a bit of running.  Increase the run time each week.
This will burn your fat, and it will give you the endurance that you need.

A good program for you would be morning runs four or five times a week, then hitting the gym in the evenings three or four evenings.

Have big dreams, but start small.  Don't take on too're young and strong and can do anything you want.  You just gotta earn it is all.  *grin*
Best of luck champ.
Posts: 5
Joined: 2012/03/18
United States
2012/03/19, 11:37 PM
Thats good advice thanks bro and also another question i had was if im trying to trim fat off my biceps and triceps should i lift light or heavy to burn fat and replace it with muscle cause i think someone said not to lift cause it the fat on the arm just becomes stronger fat
Posts: 11
Joined: 2012/03/11
2012/03/20, 05:55 AM
You should do light weights and lots of reps.  15 reps with three sets would be ideal.  The fat won't become stronger, no worries about that.  If you're watching what you eat (good protein and healthy carbs with generous amounts of fruits and veggies) and if you incorporate cardio, the fat will melt away I promise.
Once you lose some weight, you can move on to doing heavy weights with short reps...8 reps with two to three sets.
2012/03/20, 11:59 AM
Urbanlamb bleats truely. May I add that you can not spot reduce. In other words you cand do arm exercises and expect fat to fall off your arms. Another truth that she mentions is that to be at your most muscular state, the fastest way to get there is with diet and proper exercise.

Learn how to eat properly. It's up to you to learn to do this. Read and ask questions.

It's important to note that to start losing weight through weight training, you have to start lifting light with high repititions to learn proper techniqie and form. Study the various lifts and learn the proper way to do them. Lift slowly. Breathe out on the lift and in on the drop. Exercises that involve your legs and back will make your arms bigger more quickly than all of the arm movements in the world.  I know that may not make sense but it's true. You can not do squats, lunges, dead lifts or other related exercises without your arms. These lifts are referred to as compound lifts because they involve so many body parts.

Another reason to start light is because if you try to lift heavy too quickly you can hurt yourself and you're more likely to quit. As UL says, this is a lifestyle change so you have plenty of time to learn to live it properly and even more time to learn the best techniques to get strong as well as big.

Welcome to FT and good luck.