Group: General Diet & Nutrition

Created: 2011/12/31, Members: 399, Messages: 16719

With such a topic so broad we truly try to cover the basics from all angles in this group. Nothing too big or too small. Nutrition is as significant if not more as exercise is to reaching your goals so learn all you can.

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Posts: 1
Joined: 2005/02/09
2010/01/25, 03:28 PM
i've paused my gym sessions for a while and decided to continue 16 feb,i'm trying out,like 6 sets of 8 reps pull-ups and dips each my aim was to hit total of 50 pull-ups and 50 dips,my ultimate goal is to hit 100 reps and 100 reps total by 15 feb by doing 10 sets of 10...and i'm like supersetting,it like,pull-ups,dips and knee-ups..then agn...i'm kinda bulky so,i want to have bulkness in my arms at the same time put on sme muscle and i'm doing this motion full-stretched and very slow to execute every muecles..i dun't want to look to will this helps?my diet is
afternoon-rice,grilled checken breast,salad
evening-chicken rice
mid-evening-coffee and then arnd 10.30 pm i do this workout,after that 4 egg whites and 1 cup of milk..will this help?