Group: Strength & Powerlifting

Created: 2012/01/01, Members: 39, Messages: 16459

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Nose Tork

Posts: 1,533
Joined: 2005/12/04
United States
2009/01/02, 02:09 PM
I ordered some of this stuff yesterday!

I promise not to be this guy with it

Knock-Um Down & Keep-Um Down!

My Log

Squat 285
Deadlift 340
Bench 260x2
Overhead Press 170x2
V & T-Bar Rows 205x2
Posts: 484
Joined: 2008/03/14
United States
2009/01/03, 01:07 AM
thats funny
Posts: 484
Joined: 2008/03/14
United States
2009/01/03, 01:12 AM
so the ammonia i dont get it how does this help us lifters?
Posts: 1,533
Joined: 2005/12/04
United States
2009/01/03, 03:08 AM
Mental awareness, focus and drive.

I need this real bad today lol.

Knock-Um Down & Keep-Um Down!

My Log

Squat 285
Deadlift 340
Bench 260x2
Overhead Press 170x2
V & T-Bar Rows 205x2
Posts: 4,619
Joined: 2004/01/27
United States
2009/01/03, 02:21 PM
It wakes up your nervous system for a big lift. If anything, it will be detrimental to your "mental awareness" and focus. After getting psyched up and then using ammonia or tork, it is very difficult to be aware of anything OTHER than the lift you are about to do. As a result, it's not real great for lifts you aren't technically proficient with, which is why very few oly lifters use it, and why powerlifters are more likely to use it with the deadlift than a more technical lift like a squat.

The fact that you don't realize this makes me wonder if you've ever used it before, and if not, then it makes me wonder why you are telling other people what it does, and further, why you jumped straight to nose tork instead of trying ammonia first.

Good luck either way.

SQUAT MORE ~Jesse Marunde

Blood Guts Sweat Chalk
Posts: 1,533
Joined: 2005/12/04
United States
2009/01/03, 03:40 PM
I know exactly what it is and told him in simple terms what it is as he should know it's for a lift.

Mental awareness, focus and drive.

But maybe I should have said.

Mental awareness, focus and drive for a lift, because that's what it does.

It's going to wake you up to help try to get that lift but just becuase you have some don't mean lets get stupid and add allot more weight then you can handle.

I got it for PR deadlifts so it should last me along time.

Knock-Um Down & Keep-Um Down!

My Log

Squat 285
Deadlift 340
Bench 260x2
Posts: 4,619
Joined: 2004/01/27
United States
2009/01/03, 04:29 PM
So you know exactly what it is, but you've never used it?
Posts: 1,533
Joined: 2005/12/04
United States
2009/01/03, 05:17 PM
I have used it but not in a long time for deadlifts only I used it maybe about 3 times tops.

For me and deadlifts it comes in handy as at times I need a boost on a pr and it would be nice if I had it already for Monday as I plan on doing a PR before deload week.

Hey I don't know much and don't claim to but I'm learning.

On another subject I found a crew with their own gym in a garage with allot of the good stuff but I have yet gone over there, 2 guy have been at it over 20 years.

For me right now it's timing issues to hook up with them but damn I'll learn so much when I do.

Knock-Um Down & Keep-Um Down!

My Log

Squat 285
Deadlift 340
Bench 260x2