Group: I am overweight or obese

Created: 2012/01/01, Members: 381, Messages: 6449

Being overweight is a common trait these days and there is not enough help out there. Find out how you can shed those pounds and improve yourself from within.

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Getting Desperate

Posts: 1
Joined: 2008/10/14
United States
2008/10/15, 12:09 AM
Hello all, this is my first post here but i have read many others so here's my situation...

Im nearly 19 years old, new college student, and extremely overweight. I am between 5'8 and 5'10 and closing in on 300 yes 300 pounds. My main problem is that i used to play football from freshman to junior year and rather than lost weight, increased muscle by alot. However, from what i can tell by asking friends and family, and this may be the cliche hold back your opinion or you'll hurt his feelings syndrome, but i dont look my weight. Which i chalk up to the fact that my build up of muscle weighs more than the fat but im prolly in denial lol.

A brief history of my weight gain is startling in my eyes, i wrestled my 7th grade year in the 160 lb weight class, my freshman year i weighted in close to 210, sophomore year around 250, by end of my football career nearly 280. With a year of close to no excersize, and no guidance to really make any workout effort effective i find myself getting desperate. Up until recently i had never even thought about slim fast, diet pills, appetite suppressants, muscle building aids, or anything like that but now im running out of options.

My biggest fault as far as an emotional obstacle is the fact that ive always been a confident guy, i can go to a party and talk to and joke around with anyone i choose, but the instant i say hey i may want to ask said girl out Im instantly reminded of how overweight i am and therefore my confidence is ripped away in an instant.

I realize that many others have posted like i have and most get the same answers but i wasnt sure if my situation proved different. Or if any of those pills truly helped, or which specific muscle building workouts i should look out for. As far as weight lifting, to give you a base of where i am currently, i bench press close to 300 lbs and leg press nearly 600 lbs.

Phew, that was a lot of typing for a first post here but thx in advance for any help at all.
Posts: 1,312
Joined: 2003/07/10
United States
2008/10/15, 09:32 AM
From what it reads you've gained about 30 pounds a year on average for the past 5 or so years.

Your first problem is obviously how much you eat. Even more so than what you are eating you are eating too much food in general. YOu need to get that under control.

Don't rely on pills, etc. yet when you can make huge steps just getting portion control in check.
Posts: 801
Joined: 2007/10/26
United States
2008/10/15, 12:27 PM
You have an advantage over a lot of other people. You were an athlete and have a good deal of muscle mass to begin with, so good news there. ecle5c is 100% right about portion control. I'd also like to add that you'll need to change what you are eating as well.
Forget pills for right now. The only way you'll be permanently successful is to get a hold of three key parts of fitness.
#1 is DIET. You have to change what you are eating, and how much. Start by reducing your calories to around 2500 a day and see where that gets you. To lose weight you need to create a caloric deficit, preferably through both diet and exercise.
#2 is strength training. Get a good program that lets you work every muscle group at least once a week. Muscle is the biggest calorie spender, the more you have the more calories it takes to maintain.
#3 is cardio.I do a modest amount(10-15 minutes) of low impact after lifting and I prefer to do my serious cardio in between lifting days.
Once you can get a grasp on all three concepts, you'll be much better equipped to keep the reins on your fitness.