Group: Beginners to Exercise

Created: 2012/01/01, Members: 969, Messages: 18927

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Week 1: Done, Have a Lots of Questions.

Posts: 2
Joined: 2004/09/24
United States
2008/08/17, 06:15 AM
Hey everyone,

My name is Ruskin, just got done with my first week and the experience just brought about a lot of questions, I have looked through the forums and some of the stuff I need help with I just couldn?t find (too lazy?) so hoping to collect as much info as possible to get week 2 started the right way, some of these questions may seem like thy have been asked to death but I want a personalized experience.

Here are some things to think about while you answer:

Imp 26 5'11'' and 185 lbs, I think that?s a BMI of around 26ish. I have worked out before but never with a program as structured as this one, are my goals to not get thinner or bigger but get more definition, that being said I wouldn?t mind bigger muscles.

Hers the questions:

1 motivation
I have a short attention span and I lack follow through, the only reason Imp still doing this is because the muscular pain from the first week shows me progress, but I know that won?t last long, what kind of tricks do you guys have to keep you motivated and to keep the workouts "fresh"? What keeps you guy going to the gym?

2 nutrition
My fridge is empty. Show me a good grocery list that will keep me from cheating, I can eat anything with the exception of sea food.

3 supplements

I have my mind set on whey, any recommendations? Should I take it before, after, or thought the day? Keep in mind I don?t want to get huge. How about creative? My muscles were pretty much useless bit the middle of the week, it wouldn?t really matter if I didn?t have a job, how will creatine help me?

4 routine

I missed a workout, what do I do? Do I implement that workout to the following day? Or do I mark it as a loss?

I am doing the 8 week weight loss workouts and the 12 week abs, the abs are on the days Imp I rest for the other program. Is it OK to do the abs on the same day as one of the other muscle groups? If so what muscle groups should I avoid doing abs with?

5 cardio

I haven?t found anything on the site about cardio, I know it differs from person but about how much cardio should I be doing? Should I be exhausted? Should I do it before or after my workouts or both? I have been doing 20 minutes keeping my heart rate at about 140-160bpm before my workout, is that about right?

Thanks for reading this, please answer what you can, I have a lot of other questions im just fighting with the wording at the moment. If week 2 goes as well as week one did you can expect more of these types of posts.

xbox360 gamertag: umdraco
Posts: 8,201
Joined: 2003/01/07
United States
2008/08/17, 08:26 AM
1. You have to figure out what drives you, if you have a good solid goal you will be more motivated. Write down your goals , that way when you don't feel like training you can reread yourgoals and get going. I make it non-negotiable in my mind. I just have to get my workout in. Some of the things that help - getting my gym bag and gym clothes ready the night before, writing out my workouts a week in advance. Another way to get into the gym when you don't feel like it is to tell yourself you just need to go in and do the first 10 minutes. By the time youhave done those 10 minutes you will have decied to stick around and finish.

2. Nutrution forum - sticky osts at the top - Grocery list for healthy Eating

3. Whey - take it pre and post workout. creatine may help you maintain lean mass and even build some muscle. It also helps you have better endurance (energy recreation)during your workouts.

4.Just do the missed workout the next day, your schedule will just be off one day, sometimes you can remedy this by skipping a scheduled rest day, but you really do need rest days, too. Try not to miss workouts.Abs can be done after any workout.

5. Cardio shouldn't exhaust you, maybe if you did HIIT the up intervals do ehaust you, but you should recover from them afterwards..anyhow, do your cardio after your lifting and 20 minutes is a good start, vary the type and intesnity a bit throughout the week.

6. continue reading...

Argue for your limitations, and sure enough, they\'re yours.
Richard Bach