Group: Beginners to Exercise

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Fat to burn

Posts: 16
Joined: 2001/05/09
2001/06/20, 04:40 PM
Since my 5th week of training, I gained about 11pounds. The problem is, although I'm of the fast metabolism type, some of that weight went in my belly. Its not horrible, but i want all that fat to melt away. Will situp really help to burn locally that fat, or will it just develop my abs? I don't want to do cardio, since i need the energy for my muscle developement. I don't really eat fat.

Posts: 101
Joined: 2001/04/16
United States
2001/06/20, 09:12 PM
well if you want to gain muscle, your gonna have to gain some fat. the trick is to minimize fat gains while maximizing muscle gains. My advise is to eat like a horse, and lift hard. As long as you eat enough of the proper foods, you will gain muscle. After you gain muscle then take the fat off. Fat is easy to diet down, but muscle is not easy to put takes time...
Posts: 1,112
Joined: 2000/11/27
2001/06/21, 08:21 AM

you cannot spot reduce. This means that you cannot do burn fat from a specific area of your body only. When you burn fat it comes off evenly from your ENTIRE body. Training abds will develop your abs and when the fat is gone they will be on display. You will have to watch your diet and add some cardio into your workout to lose this fat.

Good Luck

.o0 Arnold 0o.
Posts: 389
Joined: 2001/01/25
Saudi Arabia
2001/06/21, 11:14 AM

add cardio...3 days a week - about 30 min each session
don't just stick to 1 type of cardio activity..change it around. This helps a lot.
Weight training is anaerobic training..for better results they should be combined with the aerobic type
just give it a try
Posts: 16
Joined: 2001/05/09
2001/06/21, 11:19 AM
So i guess I'll have to gain more muscle mass, and then burn that fat...

The thing is i don't really see what caused this fat, since i don't eat that much either. My average day consist of
-2 peanut butter toast
-Cafeterias Diner
-Proteins shake(90% proteins)
-Steaks with rice

Should i cut on something?
Posts: 27
Joined: 2001/07/02
United States
2001/07/11, 09:07 AM
Sammi I think you need to play close attention to all the hidden fat that may be contained in the foods you are eating. Instead of the peanut butter toast try the light peanut butter! It tastes really great. As far as the cafeteria diner GOD ONLY KNOWS how much fat is being poured into that. Just pay a little bit closer attention. Try to get the same nutrients without all the added fat....but remember we all need fat, it just depends on how much. I have been very over weight all my life...It is just recently that I have learned to start eating healthy with a big thanks to my nutritionist!!!! Good luck.