Group: Strength & Powerlifting

Created: 2012/01/01, Members: 39, Messages: 16459

Discuss the topic of Power lifting, Strength training and Strong Man training!

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Posts: 25
Joined: 2005/10/24
2008/02/11, 09:35 AM
are there any good exercises to help me increase the amount of extra weight i can do on my pullups? i find that im losing strength in this area while my weighted dips are soaring..
Posts: 813
Joined: 2005/03/09
United States
2008/02/11, 10:04 AM
add weight through the use of a dip belt. do a weight that you can only do a few for and work up the reps or do some negatives with an even heavier weight untill you start progressing. or some people pick a certain rep scheme with a weight and just do that... good luck either way...
Posts: 291
Joined: 2005/12/19
2008/02/11, 01:14 PM
I improved quite a bit with pull ups when I started training them explosively on alternate weeks.
2008/02/12, 05:37 AM
work training different aspects in terms of exercise selection and progression...

e.g. exercise selection....using narrow, medium, or wide grip on pull ups, chin ups, commando pull ups, L-raise Pull ups/Chin Ups/Commandos, DE pull ups/chin ups/commandos, frenchies, negatives,

e.g. protocol selection...pyramids, reverse pyramids, ladders, escalating density in set time, daily/weekly volume escalation, load/intensity progressive increases, pairing weighted chins with unweighted DE chins ..

Bent Over Rows, Pendlay Rows, Dynamic rows, DB Rows, One arm Pulldowns, .....however to be better at pull ups you'll need to focus on them first and use these sparingly...