Group: I am overweight or obese

Created: 2012/01/01, Members: 381, Messages: 6449

Being overweight is a common trait these days and there is not enough help out there. Find out how you can shed those pounds and improve yourself from within.

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need to drop weight

Posts: 2
Joined: 2007/12/10
United States
2007/12/10, 10:48 AM
im 6'1 275 and i want to get down to 215 220 that would be an ideal weight for me im 22 and i jus want to look good for the summer
Posts: 801
Joined: 2007/10/26
United States
2007/12/11, 04:30 PM
DIET. This is #1 to becoming healthier. keep the fat intake low, and get a good resistance and cardio program going. The key is moderation in your diet. Find a metabolic rate calculator for a base from which to start.
Posts: 1,585
Joined: 2004/05/28
United States
2007/12/11, 08:09 PM
Creating a healthier lifestyle is most important. People get so into the dieting that they forget how messed up it can make their metabolism, a healthy lifestyle is a permanent change that requires a committment to eating proper foods and combining that with exercise --rather than just a few weeks of torture through a fad diet. The roller coaster effects are insane and usually one gains back more than they weighed prior to their diet. Make good changes to your eating habits, cut out sugar the best you can, I prefer to still eat fruits, which some do not advocate as it is still a sugar containing product of sorts, but I believe that they are good for me for many reasons, I just use moderation. Cut back on the fats, you still need fat, but use good fats such as olive oil (that is 99% of all I cook with now) and such. Your goal is good and do-able, just throw in some good exercise with good foods and you will be right on track and ready for summer sun!


It is more important to know where you are going than to get there quickly. - Mabel Newcomber

Patience, persistence and perspiration make an unbeatable combination for success. - Napoleon Hill
Posts: 801
Joined: 2007/10/26
United States
2008/01/04, 03:39 PM
AAAHHH,...yes, pardon my exuberance veda! I should have clarified on the diet thing. Yes a whole lifestyle change is the best in the long run. But without a healthy diet, all of the running and lifting won't get you too far. That was a lesson I learned the hard way.