Group: I am overweight or obese

Created: 2012/01/01, Members: 381, Messages: 6449

Being overweight is a common trait these days and there is not enough help out there. Find out how you can shed those pounds and improve yourself from within.

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I think I need a hug :(

Posts: 601
Joined: 2005/07/26
United States
2007/07/10, 01:26 PM
Well, I've been slacking pretty bad for the past 3 weeks. It started out 3 weeks ago when I had a business trip, was working long hours, etc. You know the story. Then the next week, I don't know what, I guess I was just feeling lazy. Then I have been out of town on vacation all last week. I haven't been to the gym and I haven't been eating very well. I do fine during the day, but we've been lazy and busy at night so we drive by taco bell or whatever. I've tried to get the "healthiest" options available, but we all know that there is nothing healthy about Taco Bell!!! So,I have gained back 3 lbs. worth of my hard earned loss. Funny, it comes back on a lot easier than it comes off. So, I'm ready to get back to things. I'm trying to get back on my strict healthy diet and get back to the gym.
I overslept yesterday morning and this morning and didn't get to the gym. Last night it got too late, so I used my little 5 lb. dumbells to work my arms, and did an ab workout. Then I put in my yoga tape (I tape Namaste Yoga from the fit channel) and found that it was a session beyond my level so I quit. Then this morning I overslept again (because I was up late trying to do yoga!). So, I have to get in my legs and cardio after work, and I hate doing cardio at night.
What's wrong with me? I have been doing so well! I know what I have to do, I know how to do it. How do I jump start my motivation to get back on track? Why is this happening? Did I push to hard to begin with?
I'm so frustrated. I feel bloated and unhealthy and fat and gross. I'm feeling very much like a loser, a failure, like I've let myself down. I think that the junk food for 3 weeks hasn't helped my mental state in any way!
Ok, as I write this, I'm becoming more and more disgusted with myself. Not because of my "oops" but because I'm beating myself up so bad! For pete's sake!
I think it's time to chalk this up to a "learning experience" and a real life reminder of why I put myself through h*** to be healthy.
Time to suck it up, go use the gym membership that I'm paying for, keep working the "beyond my level" Yoga video that I struggle with, eat the turkey and water in my lunch box, take my vitamins, go to bed early, get up at 4:30 again, and get back on track! I am NOT a loser, I've only blown 3 weeks of my entire life (which is expected to be about 95 years). What's 3 weeks? I'm human! This is a huge lifestyle change, what do I expect? I think that I can undo 30 years worth of unhealthy in a year or two without a single faux pas? Time to be realistic and forgiving to myself!!
Wow, I guess I don't need a hug, I've talked myself off the ledge. ha ha. Well, thanks everyone for being here to vent to at least. Couldn't do it (and re-do it) without you!
Posts: 1,823
Joined: 2005/01/18
2007/07/10, 03:42 PM
**hug** There, now forget what you've done and plan what you'll do!! Life gets crazy sometimes and we all slip into holiday mode at times (I'm there a bit myself), but you just have to continue to make the best choices you can. Don't kick yourself over what you've done the past few weeks, just move forward. Your 3lbs could very well be water retention due to the excess salt your getting at Taco Bell:)

So pull yourself off that ledge and take a deep breath and go have a handfull of veggies and go for a walk! You've been doing great and will continue to do great. No one can be 100%, 100% of the time....hell I'm lucky if I'm 60%!

Heres another hug **hug**

Even if you are on the right track, you will get run over if you just sit there.
The harder you fall, the higher you bounce
Posts: 8,201
Joined: 2003/01/07
United States
2007/07/11, 09:40 AM
Speak positively about your goals and your dedication.
Sit down and write out the good reasons you eat right and exercise.
Then pick yourself up, dust yourself off and don't look back. the greatest thing about this is you can move forward and not look back. Chalk it up as an experience - you know now how being unhealthy effects you - you feel crappy!

Repeat this mantra whenever you start beating yourself up "I am a motivated, healthy person".


Permanence, perseverance and persistence in spite of all obstacles, discouragements, and impossibilities: It is this, that in all things distinguishes the strong soul from the weak.
Thomas Carlyle

Posts: 601
Joined: 2005/07/26
United States
2007/07/11, 11:30 AM
Thanks guys. :) I didnt make it to the gym this morning, but have my clothes with me to go there straight from work. Also couldn't go last night because hubby was helping someone move, but I did do some Bhangra Dancing from Fit TV for an hour at home, and lifted my little handweights. So, that's a big improvement. And, my extra 3 lbs. is gone already so it must have been extra water. Thanks again guys!
Posts: 1,585
Joined: 2004/05/28
United States
2007/07/11, 05:42 PM
*HUG* There, look at all those hugs!! I can relate, I had a rough 3 weeks -packed with work, appointments, etc. I couldn't find --literally-- FIVE minutes where I wasn't doing something other than working out! But, I did watch what I was eating and I did other things like park way off and walk vs. park close, etc. but it was tough getting back on the equipment and I hate that part as it felt GREAT, but the muscles fought me and that is the part that makes it hard. The thing I have found is to just not allow yourself to let too much time go by and 3 weeks for me was most likely like three weeks for you --hard! But, I am happy that I chose to get back rather than give up like in the past and glad to see that you are willing to admit you had a couple of bad weeks -but don't use it as an excuse, just a delay, but just jump back in there!


It is more important to know where you are going than to get there quickly. - Mabel Newcomber

Patience, persistence and perspiration make an unbeatable combination for success. - Napoleon Hill