Group: Strength & Powerlifting

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Posts: 1,312
Joined: 2003/07/10
United States
2007/06/19, 04:22 PM
What exactly is a pull through?

For hamstrings I like doing SL DLs more than good mornings. I can't get my form right on good mornings and feel it too much in my back.

Thanks for the tip though, I'll give it a shot.
Posts: 1,312
Joined: 2003/07/10
United States
2007/06/18, 04:54 PM
I'm having a big problem with my legs firing up first before I can start to pull back and I end up "putting a gang of back" into my max lifts I've been told.

I've tried dropping the weight and really concentrating on my form and when I do that works fine up until about 300-315. It came time for max week and I pulled 325 and it felt easy so I went for 350 and sure enough my legs fired damn near straight before I began my pull.

My question - my legs are my weak link, I've come to grips with that and will continue trying to bring them up. But my legs are holding my DL back and it is frustrating. I'd bet I am capable of a close to 400 lift if I could bring them up.

I squat weekly, different variations, and I cycle in SL DLs, lunges, and leg presses. Any specific suggestions? I know that my hips are really tight when I squat, could this be a problem with my DL.
Posts: 1,312
Joined: 2003/07/10
United States
2007/06/18, 08:29 PM
I have been trying to strengthen my legs through squats and lunges mainly with some corresponding hamstring and lower back work.

What other predominately leg exercises can help me bring this up?
Posts: 973
Joined: 2004/07/22
United States
2007/06/19, 09:14 AM
I am not sure how accurate I am, but I hypothesize that you have weak glutes\hips and that you are having trouble pulling them through on heavy weight. I had/have this problem. Exercises that have help me are good mornings and pull throughs. Also, visualize pulling your heals into the ground instead pulling the weight up.
Posts: 973
Joined: 2004/07/22
United States
2007/06/19, 05:15 PM
If you feel it in your back then you are leaning forward to much. Don't think about bending over. Think about trying to push your butt back as far as possible. The fact that the weight moves down is just a side affect of moving your butt back. Also really focus on keeping the weight on your heals. Drive with your heals and pull through with your hips instead of trying to use your back to get the weight back up. Also, use a low bar position.

A pull through.

It somewhere near the middle of the article.

2007/06/19, 06:53 PM
back/front wide stance box squats with a pause....
Sumo Deadlifts
Pull Throughs
High Box Step Ups
Reverse Glute/Ham Raise
Posts: 5,146
Joined: 2002/10/21
United States
2007/06/20, 04:05 PM
If quads are what are weak...

Try close stance squats and pausing in the hole. Try reps 8-3 for those

For power/drive get a low low box, sit on it and push off of it standing up as fast as you can. Reps 1-3 for liek 8-10 sets

Do good chains or off the power rack. This takes the escentric portion of the lift out( just like a deadlift)Try different heights...but reamember be smart you can hurt yourself , so don't round the lower back, keep it straight and rigin and use your lower back,glutes and hams to move it. Try to mimic the "standing up" part of the deadlift. Reps 3-5

Quick random thoughts for dls...

I've resently gotten my self confidance back during DL's by:

Widening my stance to shoulder nwo my arms actually are touch sides of my legs. I read some by Tate..for a idea of stance,hang from somthing high( pull up area) and fall..let yoru body naturally catch itself...however wide your feet speard to catch yourself...thats a godo idea to go by for stance.

Falling back and pushing out. I'd grab the bar, and "fall back" to get in my pull posisition...when I start to drive into the floor...I think "out" not down. This seems to evenly distribute the weight more into my hips...than just quads alone.

give those a try.

\"The eight laws of learning are explanation, demonstration, imitation, repetition, repetition, repetition, repetition, and repetition\"

You have to learn to follow, before you can lead.
Posts: 1,312
Joined: 2003/07/10
United States
2007/06/21, 02:11 PM
Now that I actually think of it I tend to pull from my toes rather than my heels. I don't feel like I'm falling forward, I just feel that I have better balance from that position.

It sounds like I really need to concentrate on that first and foremost.
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United States
2007/06/21, 10:55 PM
You should feel like youare going to fall backwards if anything. In fact, anything less than bodyweight should have you feeling off balance.

Also, stop trying to putll so fast. A huge problem a lot of lifters have is trying to pull max weight really fast. What happens is your shoulders dont go anywhere, but you are still trying to accellerate, so the only thing that can move are your hips.

Mortal by birth.
Strongman by the grace of god.

Blood Guts Sweat Chalk
Posts: 5,146
Joined: 2002/10/21
United States
2007/06/22, 08:18 PM
Try going sumo for a while...really made me think about using my hips.

\"The eight laws of learning are explanation, demonstration, imitation, repetition, repetition, repetition, repetition, and repetition\"

You have to learn to follow, before you can lead.