Group: General Diet & Nutrition

Created: 2011/12/31, Members: 399, Messages: 16719

With such a topic so broad we truly try to cover the basics from all angles in this group. Nothing too big or too small. Nutrition is as significant if not more as exercise is to reaching your goals so learn all you can.

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Wieghts and Tri Training...

Posts: 1,823
Joined: 2005/01/18
2006/07/28, 04:39 PM
One of my goals this year was to take part in a Women’s Series Sprint Triathlon. The distances are 750m swim, 20km Bike and a 5km run. Now I know I can already do each of these, but obviously I need to train for the endurance of doing all three consecutively. I anticipate it will take me a max of 1.5 hrs to complete. I’m doing this for the experience, but would like a respectable finish time. The race is on Sept. 10, so I have about 6 weeks to train.

I plan on working on endurance, so I’m running 5-6km 2X / week, biking at least 1X/week and swimming 800m 1X per week. Next week I plan to start combining some of the events such as biking for 20min and then running for 15 min. Somewhere along the line I’ll try a swim/bike combo.

Anyway, my question is this...How does wt training fit into all of this? I really don’t want to drop it completely, but am I crazy to try to include this in my training? I figure I’ll still do one day at the gym doing a full body workout using a bit lower wt than I’ve used in the past. And then on one other day, later in the week (I did this today) I would add a bit of upper body work on the same day I do a run or bike. So today, for example, I did 35min on the bike followed by assisted pullups, pec flyes and some ab work.

Since I’m only doing this for 6-7weeks and the distances aren’t totally out of my reach, I figure I can get away with continuing with my wt training, but at a lower intensity.

Any comments / suggestions or otherwise would be greatly appreciated.

Even if you are on the right track, you will get run over if you just sit there.