Group: I am overweight or obese

Created: 2012/01/01, Members: 381, Messages: 6449

Being overweight is a common trait these days and there is not enough help out there. Find out how you can shed those pounds and improve yourself from within.

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17 alternative choices to excuses

Posts: 1,585
Joined: 2004/05/28
United States
2005/03/25, 11:17 AM
#1 No time to cook, don't go through grease garages, find a healthy restaurant and order ahead before you leave work.

#2 The cookies are staring at you - DON'T buy the cookies and DON'T try to say "there for the kids", the kids like the healthy stuff, too, make them some good stuff, buy good stuff, order good stuff, but don't BUY the cookies!

#3 Chocolate attacks - DON'T eat a whole chocolate bar, take a piece if you have to, pack it away and allow yourself ONE piece each day, one little Hershey square - discipline yourself.

#4 Your day is crazy and junk food is all that is in sight - QUIT fooling yourself, you KNOW you will have busy days, anticipate them and keep a stash of good for you stuff in your office drawer BUT if you find yourself totally out, make a quick trip to the grocery store NOT the fast food places, they are just as easy to drive to and normally the fast food places are not any faster!

#5 You just had a fight with the loved one and your hand is reaching for the donuts faster than you can think - STOP and THINK anyway, ALWAYS stop and think WHY am I wanting to eat this? If it is hunger go eat something more filling and more fulfilling like a small steak and a HUGE glass of water, if it is anger, sadness or lonliness you probably aren't EVEN HUNGRY! Take your frustrations out on the weights, a boxing bag, a walk, just remove yourself from the pantry or refrigerator and it has been proven that your craving will curb if it wasn't really a craving but a substitute for unhappiness!

#6 You just want a little treat but your really don't NEED it - kiss your sweetiepie each time this happens, he/she will love the sweets and you will love the no-calorie sugar you are getting back, if they are no where to be found use one of the above methods, take a small piece or even just SMELLING it sometimes alleviates having to actually EAT it, or just remove yourself IMMEDIATELY from the FOOD!

#7 The gym is closed - SO? Your feet aren't! Go walk, go take pictures on a hike, go stroll your kids or grandkids, JUST GO!

#8 You feel too fat to move let alone stop eating and exercise - Well, you are never going to feel thin if you just sit there with a bag of Frito's and a chocolate malt watching the big screen in your pajama's, GET UP!

#9 You have no support - BULL! You can go to FT anytime, day or night and find SOMETHING that will give you supportive suggestions, but YOU CANNOT find satisfaction through another anyway, so STOP waiting for their approval and give yourself something to be happy about, they can either feel the wind as you float on by or join you!

#10 Your too tired at the end of the day to consider exercise but your mornings are too crammed - walk during your lunch hour with a cup of yogurt with oatmeal and a bottle of water, you are going to feel so AWESOME knowing everyone else at work is stuffing their face while sitting on their arses while you are moving, breathing fresh air alone can brighten anyone's day!

#11 You HATE water and LOVE your pop - your body does not require POP, diet or not, it requires water and your skin will like it, your belly will feel fuller and you will help rid yourself of nasty toxins giving your kidneys something to smile about! Add lemon, throw in some raspberries, blueberries, anything to make it delightful to look at or drink, but drink it!

#12 You can't afford healthy eating - you can't afford NOT TO. Fast food is not cheap, take the five bucks you'd spend on lunch and see what you can get at the grocer, you will be amazed at the choices! When you go grocery shopping be creative with your healthy choices and remember that if you end up spending an extra twenty bucks you are worth it, just don't buy yourself those donuts that week!! Shop at co-ops, flea markets, etc. for the produce, it is fresher and ask if it is without all the pesticides, etc., though it is harder to find, there are still farms that grow organically and to know you aren't bringing all those chemicals home is happiness in itself - I mean, come on, if you left a Little Debbie on the counter for two years you could still eat it, you can't do that with a tomato!

#13 "I will start tomorrow" - START TODAY, THIS MOMENT, THIS DAY, STOP putting it off, why wait? What are you going to gain by waiting? Don't wait until the food fair is over, begin before it so you can make good choices - you can still go, you just won't gain 20 pounds in four days!

#15 "I can't committ" - Again, BS! EVERYONE has it in them to committ to what they want or we'd all never leave the house and come to think of it, those that do never leave their house are committed to that! Stop lying to yourself, stop making excuse or using day to day facts to prevent you from starting today. It is really that simple - don't grab the chocolate cake, grab the rice cake!

#16 "I don't have any willpower or motivation" - well, maybe you don't and if you don't you are ready to make any changes so just go back to stuffing your face because you aren't going to get it from me or anyone else, it has to come from you wanting to live today, live tomorrow, healthy and happier - if you don't want to be healthier and happier there is probably something you need to talk over with a therapist and I encourage you to do so because everyone should feel good about themselves and sometimes we need help from a professional.

#17 true to yourself, no one else can do this for you unless you are rich enough to hire a food bodyguard that will literally block you from the refrigerator and follow you around all day, cooking and shopping for you and even if you have enough money to hire someone to do that, if you are not committed to being true to yourself you will still find a way to cheat yourself.

These are things that have helped me, feel free to post your alternative choices that work for you, we can all use some good ideas!

***When you are up to your ears in trouble, try using the part that is not submerged.
***The difference between a dream and a goal is a plan.

Posts: 1,585
Joined: 2004/05/28
United States
2005/03/25, 11:21 AM
#16 should say "well, maybe you don't and if you don't you are NOT ready..." Sorry

***When you are up to your ears in trouble, try using the part that is not submerged.
***The difference between a dream and a goal is a plan.

Posts: 5
Joined: 2005/04/13
United States
2005/04/15, 12:31 AM
I transfered this to word and printed off the list and taped it to my fridge also keep a copy in the car, for those tempting drive thru stops. I really am glad that I found this I have been heavy (unhealthy) my whole life and this is just the motivation that I need. I look at it everytime I open the fridge which is still often since I have only recentally decided that no matter what I will be healthy.
Posts: 1,585
Joined: 2004/05/28
United States
2005/04/15, 01:56 PM
Good luck, lkeith_2001, with your goals, it sounds like you are ready to make some serious changes and have already begun implementing them! Glad that something I write is useful from time to time, lol!!

Welcome to FT and keep coming back!

***When you are up to your ears in trouble, try using the part that is not submerged.
***The difference between a dream and a goal is a plan.

Posts: 157
Joined: 2003/09/22
United States
2005/04/19, 05:54 AM
Thanks, for som great tips.
Posts: 33
Joined: 2005/05/18
United States
2005/05/24, 05:35 AM
Just about all of those remind me of myself.
Posts: 8,201
Joined: 2003/01/07
United States
2007/07/26, 01:09 PM