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up a notch

Posted on: 2012/02/28, 06:16 PM
rotator cuff set 15 minutes

Crunches  10x10 lbs  10x15 lbs  10x20 lbs
Hypers  10x10 lbs  10x15 lbs  10x20 lbs
Lying Leg Raise 4 sets of 10

Bent Knee Lying Side Leg Raises 4  sets of 10

lying leg tucks 4 sets of 10

Superman Extensions 3 sets 

Dumbbell Squats  10x 40 lbs   10x45 lbs  10x50 lbs

Dumbbell  Lunges  10x 40 lbs   10x45 lbs  10x50 lbs

Standing Calf Raise  10x 40 lbs   10x45 lbs  10x50 lbs

Straight leg Dead Lift   10x 40 lbs   10x45 lbs  10x50 lbs

ball squat single leg  10x 40 lbs   10x45 lbs  10x50 lbs

single leg ball calf raise  10x 40 lbs   10x45 lbs  10x50 lbs

Notes all dumbbell pounds should be doubled since these movements are done with two dumbbells.  I added the the single leg  movement because I have hit the limit on my weight which is all dumbbells. I'm saving pennies for 60 lb dumbbells but there are no bargains to be found on them. I purchesed a Cap hex solid dumbbell  set in pairs from 5 to 50 lbs at 5 lb increments for a hundred bucks. I'll pay $120 for a pair of 60s. I work a pair until I can easily do 3 sets of ten and I've long since hit that on legs, back and chest.  The single leg movements add some challenge. I'll pay tomorrow.

Post workout shake: My whey is 30 grams of protein per scoop, 170 calories and 1.5 grams of fat. I don't believe that more than 35 grams of protein can be absorbed in one shot. You'll just pee out the excess. Sooooo, I mixed 1/2 scoop of whey, 1/3 cup of egg white, 1/2 cup skim milk, a tablespoon of plain unsweetened cocoa a few ice cubes and zapped it in a blender for a nice shake with 35 grams of protein, next to no fat and about 120 calories.

I'm hoping that the protein bump will help in recovery. My other supplements are pretty straight forward.. I take a calcium magnesium zinc pill to help head off cramping. I take fish oil and glucosamine condroiton per my doc. That's it.


  • [Former member] 2012/02/28
    I actually did sets of 15 on abs, hypers and leg raises/tucks. I also did 3 sets of 15 lying leg tucks and my heels did not hit the floor. All movements were slow, controlled and the form was perfect. When I get a tan this summer I'll post a picture of 59 year old abs.